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    Improvement of Domestic Trade, bidding for premises and family basket on the table

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    Perfeccionamiento del Comercio Interior, licitación de locales y canasta familiar sobre la mesa

    At the beginning of the Round Table program, the Minister of Internal Trade, Betsy Díaz Velázquez, expressed condolences on behalf of her organization to the relatives of the people who died in the explosion at the Saratoga hotel, which occurred on May 6.

    At the same time, he recognized the work carried out by the different trade organizations in Havana, to serve the victims and relatives of the accident. “They have been given a level of clothing supply, which continues to be completed. In addition, induction modules were provided so that they can also have sovereignty for cooking food”.

    Regarding the improvement process that is undertaken within his organization, Díaz Velázquez said that it began in 2019 from a group of dissatisfactions in the operation and quality of the services provided.

    She explained that this renewal, more than the structural, is proposed to provide greater autonomy to the units and to incorporate new services.

    “It coincided that this process practically began with the pandemic and, therefore, did not allow the dynamics it had to reach.”

    She also commented that during this period a process of reviving warehouses began, many of which have been repaired thanks to work in the neighborhoods.

    “We plan to incorporate other services and non-food products in the warehouse that bring commerce closer to the community, such as basic household necessities, other food products from the industry, agriculture and processed products; in such a way that when a person goes to the warehouse it is not only to acquire the basic basket”.

    In this sense, he reported that 20% of the facilities already have a renewed image and in the first quarter of 2022 another 300 have been added, with a projection of adding another 2,000 by the end of this year.

    “We hope that in three years all the wineries in Cuba, which are more than 12,000, will have a different image. We also hope that this transformation includes the behavior of our workers”.

    According computerization, he said that today there are 8,764 facilities that have the QR code. “We started with EnZona with a low level of operation and with some dissatisfactions due to connectivity. Then we incorporated the Transfermóvil platform and transactions have increased. Likewise, the circulation of cash has decreased, although it is still sufficient”.

    She commented that due to the limitations in the availability of ATMs, she coordinated with the bank to enable the extra cash service, which allows the client to withdraw cash from a retail unit. “Already 14 provinces have developed the modality. We believe that there are many opportunities and we also call on businesses to extend all these services and continue to stimulate electronic commerce”.

    Regarding the computerization of the Oficdas, 17% of the nuclei have already been incorporated into the system, “a process that is advancing and that should make significant progress this year. All this has to be connected and have an impact on the processes of structural transformation, reaching the accounting of municipal companies”.

    The minister also said that installment sales already reach 195 establishments throughout the country. “Many years ago we didn't sell furniture in stores. Dining room sets, bedding sets, among others. Although they are not really the prices with which we would like to offer, but there is an option”.

    Commenting on the granting of supply books on an exceptional basis, under the protection of resolution 96, Betsy Velázquez said that this remained in force until December 31, which allowed this facility to some 60,000 nuclei.

    “The significant thing is that there are 20,000 people who made transfers between provinces or municipalities and that due to covid-19 they were limited to acquiring their basket. Today we continue with the total issuance of the passbook, but the exceptionality continues for those people with children and people over 65 years of age who have some limitation, "she acknowledged.

    At another point in the radio and television program, the Minister of Internal Trade delved into the creation or granting of greater powers to the trade units.

    “We started with the activity of gastronomy, which from the policy applied in 2014 began to suffer a deterioration in its management. We are talking about dissatisfaction in the quality of services. We know from surveys that more than 70% of the units that apply this model work better”.

    She also commented how in many of these gastronomic centers a certain autonomy is achieved in their products, a fact that has benefited the stability of sales.

    “In the state gastronomy we are left as dissatisfaction with the more than 60,000 beneficiaries that we have in the family care system. Today we evaluate transforming the service, diversifying it, looking for other modalities, having the experiences that covid-19 left us, listening to those registered. Gastronomy has to be transformed with optimum quality”.

    On the situation of the premises of this sector, the minister ratified that the warehouses, the industrial product markets, the construction material stores and the ideal markets will remain managed by the state. These establishments make up 70% of the country's commercial network.

    However, she clarified, they have the alternative of leasing spaces to other forms of management and thus complement the offers and alleviate the existing deficit today in retail marketing, as well as improve the quality of services to the population.

    In the case of the gastronomy network (28%), the owner said that state management is also defended. Although, he added, within it there is a small network, which "we cannot reach", which requires transformation. For this reason, at the level of the Popular Council, municipality and province, the bidding for these spaces will be evaluated.

    The minister reported that establishments will be tendered for the first time and recalled that when in 2014 establishments dedicated to personal services (hairdressers, barbershops, among others) were transferred to non-state forms, they had an improvement. However, in gastronomy this did not happen, especially in social circles in rural areas where there was a lot of dissatisfaction.

    Even, she clarified, there are localities that have evaluated whether those spaces managed by cooperatives had to pass back into the hands of the State.

    She specified that 300 establishments are expected to be tendered, "a new, inclusive process (all actors have the same rights), transparent, in which notaries participate."

    The minister assured that the locals have to preserve the basic services to the population, generate employment, promote social inclusion, stimulate and consolidate customs and traditions of the community and be in line with the local development strategy.

    This process, he stressed, requires popular control and will be approved in the popular assemblies. In addition, it will allow relocating workers who are not providing services in the best place and seeking a balance in the communities in terms of service provision (“there are places in silence”).

    Likewise, it will make it possible to complete the transformation of other units, such as those dedicated to shoe repair and beauty institutes.

    The minister commented that the establishments of the energy saving program, affected by the lack of raw materials, will also be able to enter into bidding processes.

    Díaz Velázquez reiterated that the monthly delivery of the regulated basic basket is an extraordinary effort and a priority of the Government, in the midst of the situation that the country is suffering, affected by the financial persecution of its payments to suppliers, as well as by the impact of the international crisis and the war in Ukraine.

    Even when the prices of certain products have risen in the international market, they have not changed in the country, the minister stressed.

    She recognized that milk is the product that generates the most dissatisfaction. "There are times, like today, that we spend all night distributing it."

    The minister said that their delivery to the most vulnerable groups, such as children, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases, has been ensured. "We know the dissatisfaction of people with medical diets, but despite the effort it has not been possible to reach that group."

    There are products such as coffee, rice and sugar that are being delivered within the month, she specified and said that stability has been achieved in other products such as chicken.

    She commented that reaching the 12,000 warehouses in the country requires great logistics, all of this in the midst of the situation with transportation. However, this process is prioritized by the municipal governments, because the most important thing is that the population has the security that the fundamental products are available on the 1st of each month.

    According the donations that the country has received, the minister said that the third distribution of the products is currently taking place (rice, sugar, pasta, among others) and that Havana and the Isle of Youth have already concluded, while there are five provinces (Santiago de Cuba, Holguín, Camagüey, Cienfuegos and Ciego de Ávila) that have all the products to distribute in this month of May.

    Another important number of modules is arriving, he said, which will allow Matanzas, Pinar del Río, Mayabeque and Guantánamo to be incorporated in May. The remaining provinces will receive these products in June.

    Regarding care for families in situations of vulnerability, the minister recalled that in 2021 the Government approved that all economic actors also participate in this effort. In addition, to this support are added donations and products that are incorporated into the sales network and that should reach people more equitably.

    Induction modules have not been sold for more than three years and it was recently determined that 50% of the available modules go to vulnerable families.

    The sale of refrigerator gaskets was also incorporated, giving priority to families in vulnerable situations.

    With respect to retail circulation, Díaz Velázquez reiterated that its growth is determined by the increase in the supply of goods and services, and not by the increase in prices.

    She commented that the transformation that is foreseen in the establishments will allow to reduce the expenses and highlighted the responsibility of the municipalities in adapting their commercialization according to their characteristics.

    She stressed the need for municipalities to take advantage of their potential to create new offers, including those dedicated to recreation.

    The minister said that transforming the mentality, the organizational culture of the system and incorporating new methods and work styles is essential, in a decisive year, "because three years have already passed since the transformations in the sector were approved, therefore, you have to show the results.