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    What is the Analysis of the Health Situation in communities?

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    ¿Qué es el Análisis de la Situación de Salud en comunidades?

    "The Analysis of the Health Situation (ASIS) is not a new document, although these annual exams are currently required to achieve a greater role for the population in solving their problems," the young doctor Juan Carlos Lazo Bernabé , from the Doctor's Office Number 21, in the community of Orlando González, in the municipality of Majagua, who has a master according to the current demands of its 790 patients, distributed in 310 family nuclei, says.

    “Through this investigative process, which is kept in writing, the different actors of the community, jointly and led by health specialists, identify and control, based on their knowledge and with a specific methodology, the main problems or risks that affect your health status. Then, they undertake responsible and sustainable promotion and prevention actions for their positive transformation.”

    The issue of writing scientifically and discussing the ASIS with representatives of the neighborhood, which should never take its eyes off of it, is included in the improvement of the Family Doctor and Nurse Program, which represents the most basic level of care —in spaces urban, rural, and hard-to-reach—and the gateway to the public health system.

    “More than 50 measures seek these transformations. Currently, neighborhood doctors face complex issues such as low birth rates, population aging, the increase in life expectancy of the population, the rising behavior of chronic and communicable diseases, structural and functional changes in families, in a scenario of updating the State management model, which prioritizes institutionalism and municipal autonomy”.

    Unthinkable, then, a strong and effective health exercise without preventive medicine, which promotes the reduction of expenses to the country, in the midst of great restrictions due to the international economic crisis, the epidemiological crises and the intensification of the United States blockade against the island.

    "Whoever has the diagnosis in his possession, carried out with all the seriousness and participation that it entails, has ample information to face the causes of community diseases and their treatments, fundamentally, before they become more complex," Lazo Bernabé considers.

    In the methodological guide for its preparation, aspects such as climatic conditions of the area, vulnerabilities of the area that may condition risks for possible disasters, main economic and social entities, and demographic components (distribution of the population by age and sex, number of families , migrations, birth rate, mortality, women of childbearing age, pregnant women with and without risks, postpartum women, abortions, childbirth, preconception risk and risk infants). "Everything well explained, with causes, consequences and possible solutions."

    The nutritional status of the population, disabilities and their origins, housing, water supply, disposal of liquid residuals and excreta, solid waste, vector control, the presence of domestic, affectionate, barnyard and breeding animals and air pollution are also studied.

    As if that were not enough, biological, behavioral, and psychological factors appear in the ASIS: schooling, school dropout, occupation, and unemployment, reasons for economic dependence, socioeconomic status of families, hygienic conditions of homes, health culture, and social integration into health communities activities.

    Likewise, the presence of unhealthy habits related to lifestyle (smoking, alcoholism, drugs, inappropriate eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, among others), family functioning, physical activities, violence, stress, social behavior, hereditary diseases or possibilities to suffer them.

    Undoubtedly, it is a fairly detailed dissertation on the health picture of the neighborhoods, which takes into account household income, care for the geriatric population, the promotion of Natural and Traditional Medicine, and the creation of circles of grandparents, adolescents and pregnant. In addition, it evaluates the Organization and functioning of the different Health Programs that are carried out from Primary Care.

    Lazo Bernabé, who discussed his ASIS recently, insists on community participation, which has a lot to do with the accountability of the doctor to his patients and the interrelation with the People's Power delegate, the president of the People's Council, the formal leaders and informal in the area.

    “All factors in the community care about this information to better perform their functions, to which is added knowing the incidence of communicable diseases, the situation of endemics and epidemics, the immune level due to vaccines, the control of outbreaks and epidemiological histories carried out and foodborne disease outbreaks.

    After such a document is assimilated, which takes into account the health peculiarities of each area —and, seen globally, those of a municipality or province—, there is nothing left to do but draw up an action plan, according to the priorities and available resources.

    The design logic is simple: try to prevent or remedy health problems early, from their roots. Teach (primary care) rather than treat (highly specialized secondary and tertiary specialized medical care).

    Let us also not forget that, in recent days, not a few corners of Ciego de Ávila received an important visit from members of the Secretariat and the auxiliary structure of the Central Committee of the Party (CCPCC).

    They debated with local, municipal and provincial authorities from different fronts on the importance of guaranteeing care at the door of the house, as the first link of human well-being, since Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz founded the Doctor and Nurse Program of the Family on January 4, 1984.

    Broche Lorenzo emphasized the political assurance of the actions carried out by health workers today, the promotion of science and innovation, as well as the political-ideological preparation of those who fulfill the worthy duty of international collaboration, with the nations that they ask our country for their solidary help.

    "The best care that we can offer from political, governmental and institutional management must be aimed at promoting a decent place where our professionals work," Liván Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee of the Party and first secretary in the province, alleged.

    How do you solve a problem with the telephone, with water, with construction, with electricity? For this, organizations and companies have responsibility for these transformations, which is not just a call, but to achieve it, a political assurance strategy and an improvement plan were designed.

    In addition, the young doctor Juan Carlos Lazo Bernabé enjoys a comfortable workplace, the object of many constructive and beautifying interventions in recent months, a space he shares with his nurse Yanetsy López Ruiz.