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    “Tigers do not choose rivals”, Yorelvis Charles affirms

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    “From my time as an athlete I learned that rivals are not chosen. One has to be prepared to face whoever touches him. When it is said that this one suits me better, you show that you are more afraid of the 'other'. We transferred that philosophy to the boys from the first moment we got the ticket”.

    “Tigres no escogen rivales”, afirma Yorelvis Charles

    This is how Yorelvis Charles, director of the Ciego de Ávila team, responded when the journalist asked if he was satisfied that Mayabeque was the rival of the first match, and not Granma, in the playoffs of the 61st National Baseball Series.

    The mentor of the three-time national champions added that the group is very focused on the upcoming games and that, if there was an adverse streak in the finals, there was also a positive one throughout the calendar.

    "To face this first match we only have right fielder Héctor Labrada injured and we intend to present a lineup very similar to the one we use in most of the championship games."

    Regarding the starters for the games on Thursday and Friday, he announced that Yander Guevara and Dachel Duquesne will be on the mound, and to a question about the use of Vladimir García, he said that he is expected to work in both roles, as starter and reliever.

    To conclude, the Olympic champion stated: “We are already in the postseason, which was the first goal we set for ourselves. Now —and the “troops” know it well— there are other commitments to fulfill”.