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    Mothers are benefited with the delivery of homes in Ciego de Ávila

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    Foto 2 Programa de Atención a la Dinámica Demográfica en Ciego de Ávila 3

    As a result of the Demographic Dynamics Attention Program, thirteen mothers, with three or more children and housing needs, benefited in the first quarter of the current year with the delivery of homes that provide greater security and quality of life in Ciego de Ávila.

    The favored ones belong to the municipality of Chambas (8) and the main territory (5), Yamilé Santana Blanco, head of the Department of Attention to the Population in the Provincial Government of People's Power in Ciego de Ávila, stated.

    According to the report presented to the Provincial Government Council, there were 2,192 mothers with three or more children, while 1,325 of them were identified as having housing needs, distributed in eight of the ten municipalities.

    Foto 4 Programa de Atención a la Dinámica Demográfica en Ciego de Ávila 2

    Attention to these cases is one of the issues in which the province needs to advance, fundamentally in the municipalities of Morón, Bolivia, Baraguá and Venezuela, as determined by the recent visit of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba.

    As of Agreement 9009, of the Executive Committee of the Council of Ministers, since 2021 the allocation of housing and financial resources for the construction, rehabilitation, expansion or remodeling of real estate are prioritized to mothers, fathers or legal guardians with three children or more (up to 17 years).

    Foto 3 Programa de Atención a la Dinámica Demográfica en Ciego de Ávila 4

    The regulation is part of the Demographic Dynamics Attention Program, which aims to stimulate the birth rate and fertility in the face of the aging population in Cuba.

    In 2021, the Government in the province of Ciego de Ávila will allocate more than 25 000 000 pesos to the acquisition of homes to ensure the improvement of living conditions for 85 mothers who require help to raise three or more children.