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    Up Turquino Plan, 35 years after its creation

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    Arriba Plan Turquino a sus 35 años de creado

    Manuel Marrero Cruz, Cuban Prime Minister, today recalled the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Program for the Comprehensive Development of Mountainous Regions, better known as the Turquino Plan, an initiative created by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz in 1987.

    Founded by the Council of State, the Turquino Plan has the purpose of achieving an integral and sustainable development of the country's mountainous and difficult-to-access areas, harmoniously combining productive requirements with social development, nature conservation, and strengthening of the country's defense, and integrating the organizations and institutions involved in this process into its actions.

    It brings together not only 18 percent of the mountainous area of ​​the country, but also includes the municipality of Ciénaga de Zapata in the province of Matanzas due to its geographical characteristics, historical background and as a strategic objective for the defense of the country.

    Thus, there are nine provinces with this Plan (Pinar del Río, Matanzas, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Sancti Spíritus, Holguín, Granma, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo), comprised of 50 municipalities, some fully and others partially.

    Currently, the Turquino Plan benefits some 700,000 people distributed in the territories of the 10 Cuban provinces that have mountainous relief.

    Arriba Plan Turquino a sus 35 años de creado