It is minimized damage in Ciego de Ávila after the passage of the rains

Although the level of rainfall in Ciego de Ávila did not exceed that of the west of the country, the Temporary Provincial Work Group minimizes possible damage, while guaranteeing a prompt recovery after the rains have passed.

Liván Izquierdo Alonso, Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party in Ciego de Ávila, pointed out this Sunday the main actions to be followed in each sector, organization and entity for the gradual recovery.

In the agricultural sector, the harvest of short-cycle crops will begin this Monday, while the first planting of those crops with delays will intensify.

From this Monday, public transport will also be restored and internal students will return to their schools from the usual points.

For the remainder of Sunday, basic services are guaranteed to the population, both gastronomic and health, as well as the supply of drinking water and electricity.

The Provincial Directorate of Hydraulic Resources maintains strict control of the filling of the reservoirs, while Physical Planning and Housing prepare the conditions for the attention of the possible victims after the rains have passed.