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    Entities carry out a national self-control exercise in Ciego de Ávila

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    Realizan entidades avileñas ejercicio nacional de autocontrol

    During June and July, companies and budgeted units of Ciego de Ávila will carry out the National Self-Control Exercise, when they apply the Self-control Guide prepared and updated by the Comptroller General of the Republic in their organizations.

    The call for this action to promote the culture of control and order in the administrations was launched on May 23, by videoconference with the entire country, by Gladys Bejerano Portela, Comptroller General.

    Albertina Luis Delinois, Specialist in Human Resources Management and Institutional Communication of the Provincial Comptroller's Office in Ciego de Ávila, explained that differentiated self-control guides were prepared for business and budgeted activity, and that it is the responsibility of managers to carry out the exercise in accordance with the rules.

    The objective of this action seeks for each labor group to identify what has not gone well, the insufficiencies resolved, the risks within the accounting and financial system, and, above all, "insisting on the dissatisfactions, on the causes of the problems that prevent improve the quality of production and services, increase efficiency, fully deploy the internal control system”, as Bejerano Portela pointed out in his speech.

    This scrutiny within the entities will be the prelude to the XIV National Verification of Internal Control, scheduled to take place between the months of September and October to come. Until September 15, each agency must send to the Comptroller General of the Republic the summary report of the results when applying the self-control guide.

    Therefore, it cannot be, in any case, to fulfill one more task, but to prepare, train and manage control, at all levels. "You have to get to the last job," stressed Damián Jiménez Caraballo, Chief Comptroller of the Department.

    In his opinion, what is indicated by Resolution 268 of 2018 of the Ministry of Finance and Prices, which establishes, among other general definitions, "identify the processes and those responsible, based on defining in writing the functions of each job", It is an indispensable action for any exercise of self-control.

    The experienced comptroller assured that the Provincial Comptroller will accompany the process of applying the guide and will offer seminars on Internal Control, together with the National Association of Economists of Cuba.

    Precisely representatives of the economists, the Workers Central from Cuba and the National Union of Jurists of Cuba, at the country level, expressed the support and support that they will offer not only to the exercise, but also to the fulfillment of the measures derived from it.