Díaz-Canel in Ciego de Ávila: We cannot lose credibility (+Photos)

The First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (CCPCC) and President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, presided in Ciego de Ávila over the conclusions of the comprehensive visit of the Secretariat of the CCPCC and its auxiliary structure, carried out to that province last May.

He was accompanied by the Member of the Political Bureau and Secretary of Organization of the CCPCC, Roberto Morales Ojeda, the member of the Secretariat and Head of its Economic Department, Joel Queipo Ruiz, and the authorities of the province.

“We cannot stop; we need to revive our economic and social activity. We have conditions to overcome any obstacle or adversity. That takes effort, attitude and hard work,” Díaz-Canel said in Ciego de Ávila, and commented on the elements that affect the current complex situation in the country, mainly the tightening of the blockade and the impact of the pandemic.

"The confrontation with Covid-19 caused deterioration in the country's infrastructure, but despite everything we defeated the disease and that came from the creative resistance of Cubans," he added.

The president described as significant and a victory the voices that have been raised in support of Cuba, excluded from the so-called Summit of the Americas.

Regarding the energy contingency facing the Island, he expressed that there are still difficult days ahead in the generation of electricity, and that it is necessary to give the population as much information as possible.

“We can overcome difficulties and today's exchange shows it. Yes we can and we will achieve it. It is in our determination and disposition, and in how we summon people”, he pointed out.

In the conclusions of the visit to the province, the main deficiencies detected were analyzed, among them 132 centers without a political structure, weak work with the militants of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba and the low rates of cadres who are accountable to their nuclei of the Game.

In this regard, the First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Party in Ciego de Ávila, Liván Izquierdo Alonso, considered that for the territory there are two fundamental issues: the growth of the Party's ranks and the Cadre Policy.

"We have to stop at the causes of the problems so that they are not repeated, that is why the analysis of our deficiencies must be systematic in the nuclei, to transform the current situation," said the Organization Secretary, Roberto Morales Ojeda, who also reiterated that the link between the Party and the base is essential, in order to seek solutions to the problems.

On the other hand, Izquierdo Alonso referred to the attention to the 58 People's Councils of the province and the action to improve these processes in vulnerable communities.

In this regard, Díaz-Canel spoke about the care policy for mothers with three or more children, one of the problems identified during the comprehensive visit. "It's not just looking for the house, while we help solve the family's problem, we must see how it is coming out of its vulnerability," he said.

“This is everyone's job, because if we don't follow it properly and define the roles of each institution, the problems won't be solved. We cannot lose credibility, there must be encouragement, the visit to each family and the accompaniment”, added the President.

During four days, the 10 municipalities of the province were visited, exchanged in 33 communities and with more than 8 thousand people. During the exchange with directors, militants and the people, the operation of grassroots organizations, intermediate management bodies and care for communities with greater complexities were analyzed.

Compliance with the measures to boost the business system in order to enhance agricultural productivity and its marketing, in addition to promoting the professional development of workers, was also reviewed.

Díaz-Canel in the community of Patria in Morón.

After the partisan meeting, the First Secretary of the Party went out to exchange with the residents of the Patria Popular Council, in the municipality of Morón, accompanied by Roberto Morales Ojeda and the main authorities of the province.

Among the places visited by the President was the José Maceo Secondary School, where he held an exchange with students and teachers and workers in general of that educational institution.

In the community of Patria, he also visited the Community Shopping Center and exchanged with his workers about salary processes and supply management.