The development of sustainable productions is confirmed in Ciego de Ávila (+Photos)


Photos: Courtesy of CITMA and author

The reconversion of infrastructures and technologies to develop sustainable production of goods and services was verified by the delegation that participates in the central event for World Environment Day, during a tour of the economic objectives of the province of Ciego de Ávila.

The exchange with socialist state companies and new forms of economic management confirm the priority that is established to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations, highlighted María del Carmen Olivera Isern, sub-delegate for the Environment in the territory of Ciego de Ávila.

He explained that global commitments materialize in the country through the National Plans for Sustainable Development 2030 and Territorial Plans for Economic and Social Development, the latter drawn up at the province and municipality levels.

At the Ciegoplast Company, directors and workers from institutions attached to the Environment Agency (AMA) and the territorial delegates of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) in Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Camagüey and Granma, appreciated sustainable productions of high-density polyethylene pipes.

Ciegoplast is one of the industries that promotes changes in production and consumption patterns, in addition to being at the forefront in establishing the circular economy, with the aim of generating prosperity and protecting nature by preventing pollution.

Rafael Pérez Carmenate, territorial delegate of CITMA in Ciego de Ávila, highlighted the work of that entity in the implementation of the Environmental Management System, the culture of quality, application of sustainable consumption and production models, contribution to the rational use of water and contributions to the national economy.

In the Copextel Division, they learned that the National Electric System receives clean energy from three photovoltaic solar parks that generate a total of 11.6 megawatts.

Specialists from that entity reported on the assembly and implementation of technologies that ensure care for the environment and promote the energy sovereignty program.

During their stay at the Ceballos Agro-industrial Company, the visitors obtained details on the implementation of the Environmental Strategy, the impact of production processes on the economy, and the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises into internal and external trade.

Maritza García García, president of the AMA, and the delegation that accompanied her, also toured areas of the local development project (PDL) Humedal Grande Park-Laguna de La Leche, where they received an explanation about the structure and operation of the place.

Yuney Hamedh Cruz Antigua, manager of that PDL, specified that negotiations are being established with the Ecotur travel agency to organize excursions that allow the appreciation of historical and cultural traditions in the so-called Identity Circuit, which includes an aboriginal village, maroon hut, a quimbo Haitian and peasant batey.

At that site, visitors observed the diversity of flora and fauna, the conditions created for the healthy recreation of nationals and foreigners, and the production of food through agro-ecological practices, such as the use of organic fertilizers.

There, they also participated in a planting of trees and interacted with members of the PDL Delavida, dedicated to artisanal cosmetology, with the manufacture of natural soaps in different formats, javelin, soap shavings, creams and body oils), conceived from natural elements with medicinal properties and beneficial for sensitive skin.

This local initiative gives value to discarded resources (fundamentally used animal fats and vegetable oils), sometimes indiscriminately dumped into the environment, causing pollution.

By using Delavida's productions, the water resulting from bathing or sanitizing processes in the home would be less polluting, meanwhile, the use of small paper labels replaces nylon.