Informative note from the Electric Company of Ciego de Ávila

In response to the Contingency faced by the National Electric System, in the province of Ciego de Ávila there will be disturbances every three hours, in the Blocks that make up our System, that is, all the municipalities. They will be up to three continuous hours, in correspondence with the generation.

According to the country's demand, it will be the number of times the service will be interrupted, which will range between 3 and 4 times a day.

This measure adopted in the territory also provides for the least impact on centers and activities that need to maintain their vitality, such as hospitals and primary health care institutions, water pumping and food production.

The savings that we can make, during the hours in which the electricity service is available, is vital, in order to contribute to its quality and continuity.

The country makes enormous efforts in the repair and maintenance processes of the Thermal Units in order to guarantee stability in the summer months.

Ciego de Ávila Electric Company.