Electric Union Company foresees affectations in the electrical service for this Tuesday

The Electric Union estimates for the peak hours of this Tuesday an availability of 2,321 MW and a maximum demand of 2,860 MW, for a deficit of 539 MW, for which it forecasts affectations in the service throughout the day and night.

This Monday there was affectation in the service throughout the day. The maximum impact was 608 MW at 8:40 p.m., coinciding with peak hours, higher than planned due to an increase in demand of 160 MW at this time. This situation has been maintained throughout the early hours of this Tuesday, the UNE points out in a note.

Units 6 and 7 of CTE Máximo Gómez, unit 3 of CTE Ernesto Guevara (in the start-up process) and unit 4 of CTE Diez de Octubre are out of service due to breakdowns.

Under maintenance are the CTE Otto Parellada unit, CTE Lidio Ramón Pérez units 1 and 2, and CTE Antonio Maceo unit 6.

The limitations in thermal generation (423 MW) are maintained. In distributed generation, 1,169 MW are unavailable due to breakdown, and 539 MW are in maintenance.

For the peak hours of this Tuesday, the entry of unit 3 of the CTE Ernesto Guevara is forecast, with 65 MW, and the use of 84 MW in diesel engines.

Given the forecast of a deficit of 539 MW for the peak hours of this day and the predicted effects, the UNE reports that all measures to restrict consumption in the state sector are implemented.

(With information from Electric Union)