Historical Archive of Ciego de Ávila: Dignity Award (+Photos)

From now on, every time the calendar marks June 20, the workers of the Provincial Historical Archive Brigadier José Ambrosio Gómez Cardoso will celebrate the Day of Dignity with the satisfaction of having deserved this year and on the same date the High Distinction, decoration granted by the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in Ciego de Ávila, to institutions and personalities that with their work contribute to the economic development and the social and spiritual well-being of the territory.

After receiving recognition from Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in the province, and Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, the MSc. Mayda Pérez García, founder and director of the institution, stated that deserving such a distinction reinforces the commitment of a group in charge of bringing to all generations of Ciego de Ávila`s citizens the local and national history that now, more than ever, cannot be forgotten.

The award, given in a solemn act, rewards the efforts of a group that, for 30 years, has stood out in the defense of the history and identity of Ciego de Ávila, for which it has managed to sneak into the vanguard group of the national system of provincial historical archives of the Republic of Cuba.

Five annual provincial awards from the Cuban Academy of Sciences and distinctions such as the Replica of the Machete of Colonel Simón Reyes Hernández, Heroes of Moncada, Joaquín Llaverías and Ornofay, appear in the long list of recognitions of an institution that, in these three decades of founded, maintains close ties for the teaching of history with important centers such as the University of Ciego de Ávila Máximo Gómez Báez, and has been gaining in prestige among Ciego de Ávila`s citizens.

Fixed in the calendar since 1994, at the proposal of Ángel Cabrera, Historian of the City, as the Day of Dignity for those of us who inhabit this central province, on this date the commander of the Martial Liberation Army of Jesús Gómez Cardoso, who was born on June 20, 1840 and was the last son of a family dedicated to the independence struggles.

On this occasion, the celebration was nuanced by the talent of the actor Juan Germán Jones Pedroso, the speaker Luis Hiraldo Alfonso and the musical group Cuerdas y Voces del Llano.