Majagua goes ahead with its 26

In Majagua, there is a lot of talent, that is why its cultural and sports traditions will never be lost. Better times may have been enjoyed, but the truth is that here they win the battle against time. In addition, what is not time too.

For this reason, when the results of the territory, headquarters of the provincial activities for the National Rebellion Day, are reviewed, the Culture and Sports sectors deserve recognition, especially for the drive of their two young directors.

Nurienar Pons García, in charge of Culture, has 114 workers and 14 institutions, three of which are subordinate to the province: the cinema, the bookstore and the Artex store. Although some face constructive problems, her team does not stop building in people's hearts.

Since last December, at least twice a month, the vulnerable neighborhoods and settlements on the political map have been reached with actions by the different institutions: music, dance, magicians, clowns, games and participation activities, displays of museum objects and book sales.

“We have 11 cultural promoters in the communities of the five popular councils, and many of them serve more than one. Of 36 art instructors, 24 are members of the José Martí Brigade. Likewise, 19 professional musicians make up the Municipal Concert Band”.

What they do is multiplied by 26. See if it is so that the past May 1st, the sector was awarded a special recognition for its commitment to the conservation of popular and traditional culture, in which peasant music and dances stand out.

“As for amateur talent, which is what culture is made of here on most occasions, we have four first-rate artistic units: Yamboré, Diamante, Los Magos and XX Anniversary. The last three were celebrated andnrecognized by the Municipal Directorate. Los Magos and the XX Anniversary ensembles were also entertained by the provincial center of houses of culture”.

According to Pons García, the events scheduled for the recently concluded semester were carried out. "The great weight of our events, however, is in the second half of the year, with all the days of culture, including the Festival of the Red and Blue Bands, which until now will take place."

Nevertheless, there is concern about the completion of the work force, especially that of art instructors or professional musicians and the insufficient budget allocated, which hinders the development of activities with greater impact. It is also necessary to promote greater attention to these amateur artists, for the purchase of implements that improve their performance.

The general director of Emigration of the Government of the Canary Islands, Manuel Rodríguez Santana, accompanied by the director of the documentary Mujeres de Sal, Hombre de Humo, Iris Carballo, visited Majagua last April to present the audiovisual work. At the same time, they held a meeting with the local artistic group Los Magos, to whom they presented traditional clothing.

However, Majagua`s Sport, with 119 workers, is not far behind. Rather, it practically goes hand in hand with Culture. Both, well united, revolutionize our streets.

Helen Pérez Agüero, director of the guild in Majagua, explains that today 13 teachers attend seven demonstrations of Physical Recreation, in the 42 constituencies, the dining rooms of the Family Attention System and with systematic practitioners.

In the same way, with Community Physical Activity, they reach the 33 family doctor's and nurse's offices, 38 circles of grandparents, a health area, two homes for grandparents and a maternity home. In High Performance, there are 26 teachers in 18 sports, 8 entertainment and 10 strategic, among other results.

“We won the bronze medals in the National Beach Circuit and in the National Boxing Cup. We participate in the School Games with boxing, volleyball and soccer athletes. Two athletes are in the national baseball preselection, one in the U-12 category and one in the U-18 category. We added an athlete to the Tigers team.”

The Municipal Sports Directorate has 18 facilities for mass practice, which include the two sports complexes, one in the main town and the other in the Popular Council of Orlando González.

Among the work projections are the repair and maintenance of the Arnaldo Cervantes baseball stadium, guaranteeing the cleanliness of the different sports facilities and continuing to strengthen sports, recreational and community physical activity services.

Education, Sports and Science, in the same union section, received first place this year in the municipal emulation for International Workers' Day.