Food arrives to Matanzas from Ciego de Ávila

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Alimentos avileños llegan a Matanzas

At this time of the morning, the three trucks that left last night from the city of Ciego de Ávila must already be distributing the almost 40 tons of agricultural products in Matanzas hospitals.

That was the destination of the second solidarity shipment that the province sent to Matanzas, after the enormous fire at its supertanker base. The day before, the donation was 24 tons of bananas, food and fruit, the two quintessential agricultural products in the territory.

This Tuesday, however, nine products were counted for almost 40 tons and Ariel Nieves Concepción, commercial director of the Provincial Collection Company, gave the details: “six tons of melon and six of pumpkin, four of plantain and four of banana, three of papaya, one of taro, one of cucumber, two of guava, four of mangoes donated by a farmer from Orlando González…”

The cargo came from several companies and according to Yeisel Vega González, general director of Acopio, from now on they hope to send two truckloads of food daily to the people of Matanzas. “Everything that is needed at this time,” he specified.

Likewise, at the end of the afternoon, a truck from the Council of Churches had also headed for Matanzas with a supply of food products.