I will vote yes

There is no mystery. No one is going to ask me, but I am going ahead to reveal my vote for next September 25. I will get up early, even if it's Sunday, and I'll walk to the polling station which, luckily, is around the corner from my house. It will take me less than a minute to check the Yes box. I will return with the irrevocable feeling that I have done the right thing.

It will be a simple "procedure" that will barely take up part of my day. The real story, however, is behind that positive vote, how we got here and, above all, how we will be a little better afterwards.

To get to the day of the referendum on the Family Code, this country has gone through incomplete and empty guarantees that made the previous rule very obsolete. Not only has the world changed since 1975, but also us, and all these changes had to be reflected in a document that serves as a moral guide for that affective, formal, socioeconomic and consanguineous space that is the family.

I will vote yes for the elderly, that age group sometimes ignored, violated by their own relatives, neglected by the blood that does not always call. The draft Code has an entire chapter dedicated to describing scenarios of violence and lack of rights that, at least at the level of legality, will be resolved with the new guarantees.

Nobody says that those hundreds of articles will erase the painful scenes witnessed until today, but on the basis of a broad and humanistic text, another type of relationship with our elders can be built. At the end of the day, and ultimately, I vote for the rights of the grandmother that I will be in a few years.

I will vote yes for people who do not "fulfill" heteronormative stereotypes regarding their gender, identity and sexual preferences, for the simple reason that they have the same reasons, passions, obligations and rights as I do on this piece of land we call country. They have the need to love each other, get together, have families, to be visible and important to others, like us "normal people".

What useless "normality" to go around denying the possibility of a full existence to the fellow! Well, I do not want to be "normal", that "normality" does not represent me. In the same way, the possibility now proposed that this struggling group marry if they believe in marriage, join in respect and love, have their own or adopted children, and have the legal recognition and guarantees that this act emanate.

The operation has always been to add.

I will put a cross over the hope that women and girls do not suffer the opprobrium of a society that has assumed them on many occasions as domestic workers or sexual objects. A dichotomy that, also sometimes, becomes a single pain, and is translated into physical violence of bruises and death. We should banish all kinds of abuse, yes, but we should start with those who target women, just because they are considered weak, expendable. The Family Code emphasizes outlawing violence and I blindly say, “so be it”.

My vote will endorse the responsibility of parents with their children in a relationship of affection and protection that does not limit the personality of minors. I do not want certificates of authority or any correction permits because my son is not a property or an asset. My son is my life and as such, I assume his care and guidance, but I do not expect him to follow my steps out of obligation. I see myself at almost 14 years old wanting to be more independent, to experience things for myself, to recognize myself. I do not need obedience from him, I aspire to the complicity of love.

These are my reasons. I do not claim that you share them 100 percent. I urge you, however, to exercise your right and decide based on informed criteria. We will see you that Sunday. You will recognize me easily, I will be dressed with a smile from ear to ear and with a pen in my hand, with which I want to write a better country. For all.