Family Code Referendum: six keys you should know

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Referendo del Código de las Familias 01

On September 25, the referendum on the Family Code will take place throughout the national territory. From 7:00 in the morning until 6:00 in the afternoon the people will be able to express their opinion through a free, direct and secret vote.

In this way, what was agreed by the National Assembly of People's Power (ANPP) in its ninth regular session will be fulfilled and a democratic exercise that began in January of this year with the popular consultations will culminate.

According to Homero Acosta Álvarez, secretary of the ANPP, for the first time in its constitutional history, Cuba approved a legislative referendum. Fact that includes us among the few nations with this type of experience of direct democracy.

Below, we offer you essential keys to know the particularities of the process.

Who is in charge of carrying out the referendum?

According to article 211 of the current Electoral Law, the National Electoral Council (CEN) is the entity in charge of organizing, directing and supervising this process. Alina Balseiro Gutiérrez, president of said institution, assured during a press conference held at the International Press Center that the approved schedule of actions is already working.

This includes, among other activities, the completion and training of electoral structures at all levels, as well as members of auxiliary groups for information processing, including supervisors and collaborators.

In addition, the design of teaching materials and the preparation of the facilitators for the materialization of the approved communication strategy have been taken into account. In fact, in conjunction with the Ministry of Higher Education, special attention is paid to the more than 39 thousand young people who will vote for the first time.

Pilot tests of the computer system are also prioritized along with the evaluation, printing and distribution of the necessary documentation, except for the ballots, which will be guaranteed at the national level when the time comes.

What will be asked on the ballot?

Do you agree with the Family Code?

What importance does the referendum have if the text of the Family Code has already been approved by the National Assembly of People's Power?

It is very important because the Electoral Law establishes that in the legislative referendum the citizens express whether they ratify, approve, modify or repeal a certain legal provision.

Who can exercise the right to vote?

Cuban citizens, including members of the armed institutions, who have reached the age of 16 and are in full enjoyment of their political and civil rights. They must also have effective residence in the country for a period of not less than two years before voting and be registered in the Electoral Registry. The publication and verification of the voter lists will take place from August 15 to 30.

What happens to Cubans abroad?

Balseiro Gutiérrez assured that the vote abroad is scheduled for Sunday, September 18, but only for the workers of the diplomatic representations and the Cuban collaborators. Nationals who reside abroad and wish to exercise their suffrage must travel to the country and go to the polling stations.

When will the result of the vote be known?

The Family Code will be considered approved if it receives more than 50% of the valid votes cast at the polls. The final report with the result of the referendum will be delivered to the ANPP on September 30.