A spellbinding code

All ideas about the Code could result in the same thing: love. “A personalized love for the children, the grandparents… the family”, María Victoria Sifonte Ayup, chief prosecutor in Ciego de Ávila, would say in front of an audience that might not be aware of some legal norms, but that, like everyone else, does know about love.

Hence, the intervention of the chief prosecutor before workers of the Construction Materials Company (AVILMAT) began touching the fibers of the soul, and then delved into the shortcomings of the 1975 Code that this September 25 we tried to update with each vote.

"The old one no longer represents us, it doesn't look like us, our families, and we can say that after 25 drafts we have the most complete document to which we can aspire," the Prosecutor said, who acknowledged that in many situations the Prosecutor's Office hands were tied and now, with the new Family Code, they could mediate in many processes, in favor of respect.

Mayda Montejo García, Chief Prosecutor of the Department of Information and Development of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office, also delved into several aspects that have been the subject of misinterpretation and manipulation by a sector reactionary to the regulations. Best interest of the child, parental responsibility and progressive autonomy were among the terms that were exemplified from personal experiences.

“That is why, thinking of our children, of their future, we cannot be selfish and vote against a Code for the sole fact of being against an article, for example. We must think about the benefit of the majority”, Gonzalo Reitor Vázquez, an AVILMAT worker, pointed out.

In turn, Julio Fontaine, from one of the key positions in AVILMAT, joined the call of the Construction Workers' Union, and recalled how a campaign of deception and misrepresentation had previously taken more than 14,000 children from Cuba and their families. “In Operation Peter Pan, many ended up believing that they were saving their children; that is why it is so important not to be fooled today and make a conscious vote”.