National trains change departure time starting this October 10

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In order to take advantage of and make better use of the fleet of traction equipment, a new departure schedule for national passenger trains, which travel along the country's central line, came into force as of Monday, October 10.

Trenes nacionales cambian horario de salida a partir de este 10 de octubre

Lázaro Llanes Lemes, deputy director of Railways in Holguín, reports that train number 16, bound for Havana-Holguín, will leave the Cuban capital at 7:30 p.m. and should arrive in the city of parks at 11:20 a.m.On the way back, the demanded means of transport will depart from the Holguin station at 3:15 pm with a forecast to arrive in Havana at 7:30 am, according to the information provided by Llanes Lemes.

The manager insists that it is not a new itinerary, but an arrangement in departure times, whose main premise is to readjust other services that surround the Cuban railways, such as accommodation and food for crew members.

This decision also aims to extend the hours of inspection and maintenance of the locomotives, which have been in operation for approximately a decade and require greater care and handling by the operators.

The Havana-Holguín train runs from one region to the other every four days with a value of 114 pesos in the special car and 80 in the regular one, with a snack that complements the rail service.