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    Multidisciplinary work is essential in the implementation of the New Family Code

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    El trabajo multidisciplinario es elemental en la puesta en práctica del Nuevo Código de las Familias

    Advising the decision-making process from a multidisciplinary perspective and taking advantage of the benefits and opportunities offered by the new Family Code was the focus of the debate at the First Family Workshop, convened by the People's Provincial Court in Ciego de Ávila.

    Mayra Cecilia Hernández de la Torre, professional judge, head of the civil, family, administrative, commercial and Social Security work chamber in said Court, defined the current moment of "learning and preparation on the Code of Procedure and the of Families, the latter, the substantive law that protects the Cuban family and that is far superior to the past Code, which remained in force for 47 years.

    “The current Code… is a reflection of real Cuban society, of what is happening today. Moreover, in that sense the requests of the parties; that is to say, the justiciable thing is that justice is applied and done in the best way, so that someone who is part of Cuban society is not left helpless, “the lawyer said.

    Regarding multidisciplinarity, she believed that legal operators have the knowledge of the specialty, but they do not have all the knowledge of psychology, psycho-pedagogy and other disciplines, because when it is internalized in a family, in the child, in the person, there is a mixture of feelings and issues that are not taught in law degree study programs.

    Referring to the subject, Dany Rodríguez Ceballos, a psychologist from the Provincial Directorate of Health in Ciego de Ávila, explained that at the time of the analysis, it is necessary to know how the family lives; go to the place, to the child's school, see how the family develops, taking into account justice and that it be effective and transparent justice.

    María Félix Arocha Hernández, prosecuting attorney of the Department of Family Protection and Jurisdictional Affairs, exemplified some of the 52 recent processes derived from the Family Code, while calling for the study of the new project, because they are new precepts that impact each family, with its reality, hence the preparation of the prosecutors and support staff to treat people.

    «We are presenting some conflicts, she commented, with the immigration issue, when the custody of the different minors has not been defined by parents who have left the country; given this situation, we give legal guidance to those who are about to emigrate and explain, for example, that there is already the possibility of temporary delegation of parental responsibility, for a term of one year, with the possibility of extension.

    Humberto David González Figueroa, president of the People's Provincial Court, clarified that the preparation does not come from now, but from the process of building the idea that in Cuba it was necessary to advance in legal matters, because society had gone ahead of what that was legislated and for this we must all prepare: courts, law firms, society as a whole, the Public Prosecutor's Office.

    We all have to study, because for the judges the practical application of these new norms constitutes a challenge. We cannot think, as it was the case before, that we, the judges, had experience in doing; now we are beginning to do things that until very recently we did not do and that is why the challenge is very great and requires constant improvement, a maxim that must be present in the judicial and legal system in Cuba.

    The Family Workshop was also attended by Deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power, prosecutors, lawyers, leaders of the FMC, students specializing in Law and representatives of the Cuban Communist Party in the territory.