Guillén Among Us Festival takes place in Morón

With a conference on the uninterrupted work of the Ciego de Ávila branch of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation, the Guillén Among Us Festival began in the Rooster City, led by its president and founder Larry Morales.

The appointment scheduled until October 28 includes debates, book presentations, trova downloads and visits to socio-cultural projects such as Humedal Grande and Yambambó, as well as institutions such as the Caonabo Museum and the Ateneo Bookstore, among others.

The main venue of the Festival Guillén entre nos is the emblematic Morón Hotel, where theoretical and academic spaces take place with invited intellectuals such as the Doctors of Science Denia García Ronda and Enrique Pérez Díaz.

The contributions of the sociocultural work of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation in Morón during these 20 years focused the debates of the panel, with emphasis on the community dimension of its promotional management.