Attention to demographic dynamics is prioritized in Baraguá

Efforts to improve the quality of life of families in vulnerable conditions are materialized in the municipality of Baraguá through assistance to more than 1,220 nuclei, including 648 with temporary monetary benefits and 97 that receive food services.

Osmany Vicente Quintana, mayor of that territory, specified that the Demographic Dynamics Care Program also materializes in two grandparents' homes that offer specialized assistance to 27 older adults, 18 with low economic solvency and benefited from the partial payment of those services; the difference is assumed by the Social Assistance budget.

He added that 106 children with weight and height below those corresponding to their age are periodically evaluated by a multidisciplinary team and receive free food supplements to contribute to a diet that promotes proper development.

The health attention to 207 bedridden patients is added, in charge of Public Health and the total payment of the beneficiaries is assumed, he explained.

In that locality, 321 mothers with three or more children under the age of 17 were identified, among these 283 with housing needs and 38 have found a solution during the year 2022 (19 through subsidies and the same amount from the delivery of homes for free ), he said.

Another 98 family units declared to be in vulnerable conditions benefited from the allocation of different resources, which had an impact on improving the quality of life of 392 people, he argued.

Similarly, with the implementation of agreement 9195 for the new way of acquiring resources for families in vulnerable situations, 98 centers with 392 beneficiaries have benefited from the delivery of resources.

Compliance with this government program is hindered by delays in the housing construction plan, since 48 of the 63 planned to date have been executed, due to problems in investments and subsidies; while the will to build with their own efforts was appreciated when 22 homes were completed, seven more than forecast.

Unfavorable results are also exhibited by the Maternal and Child Care Program (PAMI) when four deaths have been reported so far this year, a figure that determines a mortality rate of 15.0, in addition to an indicator of low birth weight located at 4.9 as there are 13 cases and the registration of five deliveries outside established institutions.

In this context, the territory of Baraguá maintains as a challenge the completion of capacities in maternity homes, essential when numerous high-risk pregnant women are identified.

Regarding to the Provincial Government of People's Power, this municipality registers 17 communities in conditions of vulnerability and during the year 2022 has promoted actions to transform the economic and social panorama in 14, based on road repairs, luminaire repairs and repairs in public institutions (medical offices, schools, warehouses and pharmacies).

Assistance to these settlements includes monetary aid and the delivery of resources to low-income families; while, at the local level, maintenance has been carried out in maternity homes to ensure the comfort of pregnant women.

According to information from the Demographic Observatory, in the province of Ciego de Ávila, the aforementioned program focuses its fundamental efforts on monitoring young married couples and mothers with two children, due to the decrease in the crude fertility rate.

Other priorities are attention to population replacement and teenage pregnancy, with behaviors above 16.7, above the national average; checking social phenomena such as internal and external migrations, demographic aging and rates of total and female economic activity.

Based on the unfavorable indicators in recent years, monitoring of the PAMI indicators is also maintained.