The world against the blockade

For the thirtieth time, the United Nations General Assembly addresses this Wednesday the Cuban resolution on the need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States against Cuba.

According to the most recent Cuban report on the effects of this unilateral coercive policy, between August 2021 and February 2022 alone, the blockade caused Cuba losses in the order of 3,806.5 million dollars. The figure is 49% higher than that reported between January and July 2021 and a record in just seven months.

At current prices, the damage accumulated during six decades of the blockade amounts to 150,410.8 million dollars, with a great weight in sectors such as health and education, which adds to the damage to the national economy and the quality of life of Cuban families. 

In the first 14 months of the Biden administration alone, the losses caused by the blockade amounted to 6,364 million dollars, which is equivalent to an affectation of more than 454 million dollars per month and more than 15 million dollars per day, according to with the document.

Cubadebate follows the events at the UN headquarters in New York minute by minute on its website, and also provides extensive coverage on its Facebook pages (Cubadebate and No to the Blockade against Cuba) and its Twitter accounts (Cubadebate and No Blockade for Cuba).