Ciego de Ávila: it is recovered megawatts in distributed generation 8

Before the end of the year, Ciego de Ávila could have three more generator sets that contribute to distributed generation, after a repair and maintenance process carried out by the companies that manage these sites and the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

The two entities in charge of distributed electricity generation, Geysel and EMGEF, will recover the machines from the entry of specific parts and other improvements, with which the province will increase by about three megawatts (MW) the contribution of loads in the schedules of maximum demand.

Mayumi Veloso Borges, general director of Geysel, said that it manages eight sites with seven diesel-based engines, and by the end of the year, it will be able to add an eighth engine, with which its generation would reach 11.28 MW.

For his part, Kiurlis Romero Moreno, director of the EMGEF Base Business Unit, explained that its two sites (Ciego Norte and Chambas) would recover 1.7 MW, with the start-up of two machines that produce electricity with fuel oil, to average about 20 MW per day.

“You have to fight, with unity of action between all the forces, and not wait for magical solutions. A megawatt counts”, the member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in Ciego de Ávila, Liván Izquierdo Alonso emphasized. Calculations estimate that a generator set generates electricity to supply between 1,500 and 1,700 homes.

The province reviews all its generation sources, in order to partially solve the deficit of the National Electroenergetic System (SEN). In the absence of a thermoelectric plant, renewable sources are promoted: a small hydroelectric plant in Florencia (providing 400 kilowatts) and three photovoltaic solar parks.

According to the governor, Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, the territory could generate about 40 MW with the combination of all the sources currently in use if, in addition, capacity continues to be recovered at the generator set sites.

In total, 325 actions and measures were determined to recover generators and improve working conditions, which will be checked daily in the Ciego de Ávila Military Region, according to its chief, First Colonel Israel Cubertier Valdés, during a session of the Energy Council Provincial; and by the Energy Council.

The work meeting, likewise, ordered the Tourism entities located in the falls to maximum savings and the efficient use of electricity. A provincial commission of the National Office for the Rational Use of Energy (ONURE) reviewed several hotel facilities that did not meet the expected electricity consumption in September.

Alexey Ojeda García, a member of the Party's Provincial Bureau, insisted that there are many reservations within the plans and that the goal cannot be to fulfill them globally, by hotel groups, but entity by entity.

The review found facilities that have not yet changed their lights to LED technology and that must continue to invest in water treatment systems and improve electrical networks, said Iván Powell Sardison, director of the UNORE in Ciego de Ávila.

Liván Izquierdo Alonso called for lower consumption in hotels without reducing the quality of services. "We have to win in energy culture, because it is not just about the plan, but about the practice and what else we can do in saving." In addition, it directed the recalculation of the consumption indices, since in this indicator there may be efficiency reserves.