Díaz-Canel congratulates his Bolivian counterpart for his second year in office

The President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, congratulated his Bolivian counterpart, Luis Arce, for his second year as head of the multinational country, with a population of more than eight million inhabitants.

The president wrote on Twitter "On the occasion of the second year of your presidency, receive, dear brother, fraternal congratulations and wishes to continue with new successes on the path of the Democratic and Cultural Revolution of the brotherly Plurinational State of Bolivia."

Moreover, the Cuban president concludes his message with the word Jallalla, which in the Quechua-Aymara language unites the concepts of hope, celebration and bliss.

In the middle of last March, in the report he gave to the Legislative Assembly in the inaugural session of the 2022-2023 legislature, Arce highlighted the economic and social progress made during his two years in office.

Among the progress, he highlighted various pillars that have defined his two years in office in the national government: the recovery of democracy, the reconstruction of the economy, industrialization with import substitution, food sovereignty for all Bolivians, the industrialization of natural resources, health, education and basic services for Bolivians, as well as Security, Defense, Justice and Protection abroad for all Bolivians.

The President, in his speech, highlighted that, despite the adverse international context and thanks to the implementation of the Productive Community Social Economic Model (MESCP), "Bolivia shows significant and sustained growth".

As a result of the economic reconstruction policy, Bolivia's gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.1 percent in 2021 and the nominal amount reached 40,703 million dollars; this indicator rose in June of the current year to 4.13 percent, while the country maintains an inflation rate of 2.5 percentage units.

Luis Arce was elected with 55.11 percent of the votes and became head of state on November 8, 2020.