Ciego de Ávila prepares for municipal elections

Liván Izquierdo Alonso, first secretary of the Party in the province, and Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas, exchanged with electoral authorities about the preparations for the upcoming elections on the 27th. Photo: Grether

  • This Sunday, the dynamic test verified in each polling station the assurance of the food, transportation and communication plans, as well as the preparation of the electoral authorities.

With the aim of guaranteeing the quality and transparency that should characterize the municipal elections, scheduled to take place on November 27, the hustle and bustle was felt this Sunday from very early in the 899 polling stations that will open their doors that day in Ciego of Ávila, while the logistical assurances and the preparation of the personnel that will intervene in the democratic exercise were checked in situ—as part of the dynamic test that took place throughout the country.

From the Provincial Electoral Council (CEP), Osvaldo Álvarez Díaz, its president, told Invasor that the preparation exercise met expectations, since it made it possible to verify, in the first part, the assurance of the systems and the essential conditions in each place enabled to exercise the vote, keys for the good development of the process.

Besides, he explained that, in a second moment, the preparation of the more than 7,000 electoral authorities that will work on the day of the vote was evaluated, through a practical exercise that covered the different levels, where the mastery of the established procedures.

The president of the CEP pointed out the lack of members in some polling stations, mainly by people who were outside the province, but that must be incorporated next Sunday, and polling stations that could not open at the set time because they did not have the key were among the main incidents that came to light during the dynamic test, and that must be resolved in the course of this week.

It was also known that on the day of the elections more than 5,000 pioneers will participate in the province who, as is tradition, will be in charge of guarding the ballot boxes, while 112 supervisors will ensure the legality and transparency that must prevail in the democratic exercise, from compliance with the provisions of the Electoral Law.

In addition to those who will be able to exercise their right to vote for the first time and the more than 200 who were elected as candidates for delegates in their constituencies, this will be an electoral process that, as in previous moments, will involve young people because, in the territory , there will be more than 3000 collaborators, mainly from Higher Secondary Education, who assume essential tasks to ensure the quality of the vote.

Community factors will not remain unaffected, which must join the preparations with commitment and responsibility, as Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary, pointed out here, during a tour of the polling stations of the main municipality, where he urged to involve social and federated workers, since "house-to-house work is irreplaceable", in order to clarify any doubts that residents may still have about the election process and explain to them the importance that a moment like this has for the neighborhood.

Likewise, it invited the electoral authorities and support personnel to guarantee timely information and guidance to voters throughout the day, to avoid errors when voting, and to maintain the vitality of the polling stations and their surroundings until the last minute.

For his part, Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas warned not to neglect details such as the lighting of the premises where the secret ballot will be held, while he praised the effort shown in the good conditions that have been created for next Sunday in the most of the places that will host the elections.

According to data provided by the CEP, on November 27, around 330,000 voters will have to go to the polls in Ciego de Ávila, to—among the 1,155 nominees throughout the province—elect the delegates to the municipal assemblies of People's Power , who will exercise their functions for a term of five years.