The Ananá project from Ciego de Ávila receives an award at the International Audiovisual Festival

The Ananá sociocultural project of the José Sirio Inda Hernández House of Culture in Ciego de Ávila won the prizes in the children's and adolescent categories of the recently concluded Filming Fantasies Children's Audiovisual Festival of Santa Clara.

The girls Salet Viera Carvajal and Keila Rosa Ruiz obtained the medal in the children's category with the work Natural Component; meanwhile, Enmanuel Mendoza Delgado won the same award in the adolescent category with the production of Medicinal plants that you can find on the way to school.


The art instructors Lisset Quintana Veranes and Alexander Hernández Rodríguez, main promoters of the Ananá sociocultural project, recognized the international festival as the ideal setting for the future training of a more critical and creative public in the face of contemporary audiovisual production both on social networks and in the media.


The recently concluded eighth edition of the Filming Fantasies of Santa Clara Children's Audiovisual Festival constitutes one of the main competitive events of the Red Cámara Chica from Cuba, which stimulates audiovisual creation made by and for children and adolescents.