National Rodeo Semifinal celebrated in Ciego de Ávila

The teams from Artemisa, Camagüey and Ciego de Ávila dispute in this central province their classification to the National Rodeo Tournament, which will take place in Boyeros, starting next December 8.

The National Semifinal takes place in the Rodeo of the town of Jicotea, where women and men compete in order to position the best team.

Mario Pérez Ramos, President of the Ciego de Ávila Cowboys, Rodeo and Coleo Society, explained to the press that the tournament will end this Sunday, when the best team will be announced.

The hard competition of cowboy skills and abilities has, among its most anticipated attractions, the spectacle of the Amazons, as well as the modalities of linking, coleo, tackling of beef by hand, double roping, cow milking and the popular bull riding.