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    Reds and blues star in day of decisive effort

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    municipio de majagua ciego de avila 6

    Intense workdays take place in the municipality of Majagua during the Day of Decisive Effort, convened by the Provincial Committee of the Party as part of the Latir Avileño political movement and in greeting to the 64th anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution.

    Belkys García Camp, vice president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in that territory in the southwest of Ciego de Ávila, stressed that the event includes political, economic and social activities that confirm the essence of the Cuban social project started in January 1959.

    In different scenarios they honor the heroes and martyrs of the Homeland, recall the main historical dates to strengthen the knowledge and links of the population with national, provincial and local roots, so that the fundamental values ​​of the revolutionary process are transmitted.

    Majagua presente

    She pointed out that the tribute to Fidel, on the sixth anniversary of his physical disappearance, and the electoral process constituted true demonstrations of patriotism, unity, popular participation and commitment to Socialism.

    The enthusiasm for the advent of the anniversary of the Triumph of the Revolution is also appreciable in the movement that takes place in different institutions to improve the quality of services and renew the image, the latter illustrative of the attachment to popular traditions, by distinguishing the red colors and blue, she said.

    Cleaning days in neighborhoods, communities and workplaces, as well as the reinforcement of the anti-vector campaign to eliminate the presence of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, constitute other efforts of the people of Majagua, in favor of a more pleasant and healthy environment.

    Majagua y la revolución

    The Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and the Municipal Health Directorate recognize the outstanding work of blood donors, incorporated into a movement that plans new deliveries of the vital liquid before the month of January and as a guarantee of essential services in medical institutions.

    From the local government, they reaffirm priorities such as the promotion of the national programs of Transformation in Neighborhoods and Communities, Attention to Demographic Dynamics and the Advancement of Women; as well as the follow-up and response to the proposals of the population.

    Nurienar Pons, municipal director of Culture, referred to the constant interaction of local artists with neighborhoods and communities, mainly those who are in vulnerable conditions, with the aim of promoting spiritual transformation, along with economic and social improvements.

    municipio de majagua ciego de ávila 3

    As of the Majagua Unity political campaign, promoted after the granting, in the current year, of the provincial headquarters for National Rebellion Day, operations on social networks have been intensified, which helps to make visible the work they carry out and strengthen the defense of the Fatherland in the virtual scenario.

    They stand out for the diversification of economic actors, with recognized state and non-state entities for the production of food and other goods and services with recognized quality; in addition to the contribution to satisfying the needs of strategic sectors such as tourism.

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