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    Embrace the neighborhood without wasting a day

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    Rarely, very rarely, has a slogan in Ciego de Ávila gone viral for the good of the community, to the point that it has become a mobilizing phrase, which brings together neighbors, company directors and mass organizations in the same trench: « Embrace the neighborhood without wasting a day.

    Abrazar el barrio sin perder un día

    It is a renewing phrase that has caught on, not because it obliges, rather, because it convinces, summons, and the neighborhood in my province, as in other places in Cuba, is not a misunderstood place; it is where it is inserted from the child to the elderly, as social beings, to mitigate the accumulated effects and deterioration of the urban environment, and to make life more pleasant.

    The neighborhood has always been present in the history of cities; It is recognized as the primary socioeconomic unit of the urban environment, due to the community relations and solidarity that are established and generate behaviors with a sense of community.

    Hence the importance of observance of its permanent dynamics and evolution, something that is beginning to materialize, the same to the south as to the north, east or west of the territory of Ciego de Ávila, with interventions in more than 60 neighborhoods and communities in need.

    Because there are some with a bad reputation: El Vaquerito, La Grúa, Chincha Coja, Maidique, El Tablón, La Clementina, Aguas Verdes, but it is just that: a bad reputation and a name that someone iniquitously gave it, because when they are summoned, they respond.

    Precarious centers exist on both sides of the path of transformations. One of the latest inventories of the Provincial Directorate of Physical Planning in Ciego de Ávila counted 38 precarious settlements, neighborhoods and pockets, distributed in five municipalities, where there are more than 7,000 homes (26% illegal). Any concerted and planned ordering action rests on this reality.

    The #Ciego de Ávila Heartbeat has not only positioned itself on social networks as another hashtag, but has also become a collective work, with the leadership of the people, of the Party as the organization of the political vanguard, of the government to know how to do and do it well and from companies and organizations in the territory that joined efforts to make it beat, because, it is known, to lead people, you just have to walk in front of them.

    From March to here, the days began to be different, with a new dynamic and phrases that have a lot to do with that harangue pronounced by Máximo Gómez in the Pastures of Lázaro López, where on November 30, 1895 the Invading Army was formed that led the fight to the west.

    "The day there is no combat, it will be a day wasted or misused," the Generalissimo said.

    It is true that a phrase or word by itself, taken out of context, with a stink of consignism, does not mobilize, does not shake, but it does when it is led by example, because nothing tests the ability of a man or woman to lead others as their daily actions to lead themselves.

    Today, our country or death, we shall prevail! is different, not the same as that of the October crisis, that of Playa Girón and that of other great moments in history, although the same goals are pursued.

    Country or death … should be the cry against all wrongdoing, against those who do not want to work and receive the same benefits from those who do; against those who oppose the good ideas of building a better country; the cry in favor of what is done in the different ranches, from the province, what corresponded to the municipal organizations, and what should be done with the participation of the people in each community and in favor of the autonomy of the municipality.

    One of the principles here has been to work comprehensively, from the repair of the family doctor's office, the community warehouse, to achieving sustainable and quality service in services, including those of commerce and gastronomy; increase the number of offers and also the variety, so that they are affordable to those who receive less income.

    "It is what the people of Ciego de Avila deserve and it is a task for everyone, from the authorities and companies to the people, because we have the right to demand a good service," Liván Izquierdo Alonso and Tomás Alexis Martín Vanegas, Governor of the province commented a few days ago, at the inauguration of 30 modern and comfortable apartments in the new Camilo Cienfuegos neighborhood, northeast of the city of Morón.

    When asked if any of the works carried out in the first half of the year deserved to be highlighted, the first secretary referred, in the first instance, to the provincial hospitals Roberto Rodríguez, in Morón, and Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola, in the capital provincial. "It is commendable what has been done in both, including the clinics, with the support of the companies and entities of each municipality."

    The completion of social works and the checking of prioritized tasks, which contribute to boosting the political movement of Esfuerzo Decisivo, which seeks to contribute to the socioeconomic development of the province, without wasting a day is added to this.

    A neighborhood in Cuba is where the sugar mill is, the bakery, the pharmacy, the winery...; It is where from very early hours of the morning you feel the pilgrimage of people who come and go, who go out to work; a neighborhood where women hang clothes and, at the same time, talk to each other, regardless of who enjoys good economic stability or not.

    A neighborhood is where "zero day" arrived and the planned Ordering Task, when many of us did not expect it or were not prepared for it. And shortages also arrived, inflation, the country's difficult energy situation, the deficit in food production, the decrease in exports and growth in imports..., realities that force us to reinvent ourselves every day, as if to continue demonstrating that the day that there is no combat, it would be a lost day.