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    Transformation will continue in Morón communities

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    The planning of 10 million pesos of the budget approved for the year 2023 in the municipality of Morón, will make it possible to continue with the Program for the Transformation of Neighborhoods and Communities, which contemplates a total of 40 actions in four of the six popular councils of that town.

    Continuará transformación en comunidades de Morón

    Máximo Ojeda Pérez, member of the Permanent Work Commission for the Attention to Economic Affairs and Construction Programs of the Municipal Assembly of Popular Power (AMPP), pointed out that these funds will be used to solve problems in housing, urban planning and basic services.

    "With citizen participation, work will be carried out in the East, West, Turiguanó and Patria popular councils, which will cover eight communities and one neighborhood, in addition to respond to proposals from voters in five constituencies," he said.

    Likewise, resources and efforts will be used to improve the quality of life in settlements in vulnerable conditions, including Fajardo, La Serrana, La Garita, El Palmar, La Madrid, Santa Bárbara, Edén, El Embarcadero and El Paraíso, the most located in rural areas.

    In those places they foresee road restorations, repairs in schools, medical offices, warehouses, bus stops, kindergartens and video rooms; the construction of parks, cleaning of areas affected by the marabou, deliveries of resources to remove dirt floors and monitoring of vulnerable cases.

    In addition, improvements in public lighting and actions to benefit mothers with three or more children under 17 years of age are conceived, the latter in correspondence with the priorities established in the Program of Attention to Demographic Dynamics.

    More than 200 mothers benefited from homes in Ciego de Ávila.

    At the end of 2022, 210 mothers with three or more children received comfortable housing in Ciego de Ávila, as part of attention to this demographic policy indicator, which seeks to protect women with multiple descendants in a situation of social vulnerability.

    Yanet Rebeca Sariol Vitorte, coordinator of Economic Programs and Objectives at the AMPP, specified that the local budget for this year is 514 million 473,500 pesos and 89 percent will be allocated to prioritized sectors (Health, Education, Culture, Sport, and Assistance and Social Security), which also supports the development of social programs and public services.

    In the educational sphere, 164 million 965,700 pesos will cover expenses for different concepts, including constructive maintenance for the sustainability of executed works, and will ensure the comprehensive training of students in 42 institutions of different levels of education.

    Public Health, with more than 140 million 800,000 pesos, will maintain the constructive rehabilitations and will guarantee the operation of two polyclinics, a maternity home and the grandparents' house; in addition to paying for the Maternal-Child Care and Family Doctor and Nurse programs, and allocating five million for booster vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

    In a recent exchange with the main cadres and executives of the province of Ciego de Ávila, Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas reiterated the will to continue in the transformation of neighborhoods and communities, through the adequate execution of the budget approved for this task in the 10 municipalities.

    At the end of 2022, the Provincial Government of People's Power in Ciego de Ávila notified that they allocated 66 million 038,800 pesos to work in population settlements in vulnerable conditions (69 communities, 34 popular councils and 91 constituencies). With this amount, progress was made, in a fundamental way, in the renovation of family doctor's offices and schools, and the repair of roads.

    What did Vicente need the most? It can be asked in many ways and the answers usually lead to the same path.

    Likewise, they offered differentiated attention to five popular councils (four in the main city and one in Morón), where they established processing offices to assist individuals and families in vulnerable situations, in addition to offering them employment.