Chambas encourages the incorporation of women into productive work (+Photos)

In the municipality of Chambas, second in surface extension and important for the economic and social development of the province of Ciego de Ávila, the Program for the Advancement of Women (PAM) promotes the creation of capacities to achieve a greater bond between the female sex and productive work.

Ney Díaz Alemán, member of the Secretariat of the Municipal Committee of the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC), said that equality of rights is consolidated, appreciable in opportunities for professional development, such as access to the career of Agricultural Engineering.

She added that the number of females studying this specialty at the Municipal University Center (CUM) is representative, which offers guarantees for local development, by having human resources to execute different agricultural programs.

She referred to the connection of the female figure to the production of grains, tubers, vegetables, sugar cane, fruit trees, milk and meat, so that their work is notorious and the contribution is recognized from a strategic sector and determinant of homeland security.

Young women with engineering degrees make up the majority in the Municipal Delegation of Agriculture, where they make decisions, organize, plan and control work processes to promote a branch that materializes the Food Sovereignty and Nutrition Education Program.

She exemplified the broad participation in the processes of choosing and manual twisting of tobacco, from a location in the rural settlement of Mabuya and the local industry called La Casita Criolla, respectively; the latter located in the head town and directed by an engineer.

The links between the FMC and the productive bases for the care of women and the verification of compliance with the PAM, are reinforced by means of 14 brigades of the aforementioned women's group, whose activity is also aimed at recognizing unpaid work in the home, essential for the performance of other family members in various social spheres.

Díaz Alemán explained that, through the House of Guidance for Women and the Family, young people disconnected from study and work access courses to train in various professions, with the aim of joining the working life.

She stressed that they maintain as a premise the incorporation of a greater number of women into the political, economic and social life of the town, so that they have a notable presence in all sectors, as is currently the case with Education, Health, Legal and the Administrative.

Facilities are also created for the labor insertion of women with 60 years of age or more, with the purpose of reducing the lack of productive forces in the face of increasing aging and the difficulties with population replacement, because of low fertility levels.

Chambas, she recalled, is the municipality with the second largest number of adults in the province ─only preceded by the neighboring territory of Florencia─, therefore, this is established as another priority.

Ana Elsy Guerra Galafert, a CUM professor and co-owner of the Rincón Los Hondones School Farm with a Landscape Focus, located in the section of the Bamburanao mountain range that covers the territory, appreciated the opportunities that young women have to study and exercise in sectors like agriculture.

In their homeland, which has become a teaching unit for Agronomy students, numerous girls confirm their potential in food production and demonstrate skills in agro-ecology, as well as in the application of science and innovation to grow crops in mountain conditions.

The recognition of the role of women and the facilities for their access to decision-making materialize the PAM, approved by Presidential Decree 198/2021 and implemented to promote gender equality and equal rights, opportunities and possibilities.