Another group of 83 irregular migrants were returned from the US

Today, the Ministry of the Interior reported that the Coast Guard Service (SGC) returned 83 irregular migrants through the port of Orozco, in Bahía Honda, Artemisa.

The decision in this sense is in correspondence with the migratory agreements between Cuba and the United States, the organization added in an official note.

It was added that most of these people (60 men, 16 women and seven minors) were from Artemisa, Havana and Matanzas who had participated in four illegal exits from the country and were intercepted by the SGC at sea.

Of the returnees, the information was expanded; two of them are available to the investigative bodies, for being alleged perpetrators of serious criminal acts that are being investigated.

With this operation, there are 10 operations carried out through this route from the US, with 1,271 returned, he said.

However, he continued, if they are added to the list of those returned to Cuba from the Bahamas and the Cayman Islands, there would be 13 actions of this type with 1,416 irregular migrants so far in 2023.

The Cuban authorities have reiterated their commitment to regular, safe and orderly migration and insist on the danger and life-threatening conditions represented by illegal departures from the country by sea and the irresponsible involvement of innocent minors, he finally ratified.