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    Doctors from Guantanamo will reinforce services in Ciego de Ávila

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    The April 11 brigade of the Reasons for Life contingent, voluntarily made up of 23 doctors recently graduated from the Guantánamo University of Medical Sciences, was championed today in this city with the objective of consolidating primary health care in the central province of Ciego de Ávila for the next three years.

    Reforzarán médicos guantanameros servicios en Ciego de Ávila

    Dr. Nael Preval Campello, director of the Health Sector, handed over the banner to Yesica Rojas Barbier, head of the force that will strengthen the Family Doctor and Nurse program created 39 years ago by Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the which spread throughout the country to improve the health of the population, from a clinical, epidemiological and social approach.

    I am sure that the young professionals will be an example in work, study and improvement, and will honorably fulfill their missions, just as they did in the successful confrontation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the manager highlighted.

    The doctors members of the structure created by the University Student Federation (FEU) in the house of high studies responded to a call from the Ministry of Public Health to fill vacancies in the offices of the territory.

    During the ceremony, held in the small city square that recreates the landing of the National Hero José Martí and Generalísimo Máximo Gómez by the Playita de Cajobabo, the brigadistas confirmed their willingness to continue the humanist work of the Cuban Revolution and not give up on compliance of duty.

    Dr. Léster Aguilera Hernández, a native of the municipality of El Salvador, considered that the flagging of the brigade is a historic moment for young professionals from Guantanamo, committed to meeting the healthcare needs anywhere in the country and in the world.

    Rafael Pérez Fernández, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary of the political organization in this eastern province, congratulated the Guantanamo brigade doctors, of whom he expressed that they are not satisfied with being part of history, but that they write with their example, dignity and decorum.