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    Historical Memory Program Advances in Ciego de Ávila

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    0 22 memoria historica ca 1

    The training of professionals, methodological advice in different organizations, and the efficient use of technological resources, made it possible to advance in the Historical Memory Program in the province of Ciego de Ávila during the year 2022.

    Arialys Pedroso Fleitas, head of the Department of Social Communication and Document Management of the Territorial Delegation of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA), stressed that 27 students are studying the Medium Technician in Document Management and Archives in two polytechnic institutes in Ciego de Ávila.

    In the completed stage, she said, they continued to guide the 32 agencies — attached to Popular Power, of local interest and national subordination — that implement the document and archive management systems (SIGDA), with the aim of ensuring compliance with the legal rules for the activity.

    She argued that 216 cadres, reserves, specialists and technicians who work in the provincial representations of the ministries of CITMA, the Food Industry, Culture and Communications, Customs, banking institutions, the Delegation of Hydraulic Resources, mass and non-governmental organizations were trained and the local organs of Popular Power.

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    Fundamentally, she explained, they received training in legal matters, preventive conservation and management of personal and private files.

    To this was added the realization of 28 visits of educational supervision and methodological advice, during which they verified the state of execution of the SIGDA, she added.

    She highlighted that entities subordinate to the Ministry of Justice, Customs, CITMA, the Prosecutor's Office and central State administration agencies exhibit achievements in the implementation of digital platforms to form, use and protect documentary collections.

    She also referred to the existence of preventive conservation and disaster risk reduction plans, and the importance attached to updating health programs to serve the managers or managers of the SIGDA.

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    Verifications of 25 cemetery archives allowed us to verify the existence of documents from the period 1937‒2022, in a fair and poor state of conservation, which requires improving the infrastructure to protect the burial, exhumation and typographic records of drawers in cemeteries.

    Pedroso Fleitas emphasized the work of advising and verifying the operation of the municipal commissions of historical memory, constituted in all the territories, although it is necessary to improve their performance to meet the objectives of the Program and achieve greater stability of the personnel.

    She expressed the will of the union to progress in its management during the year 2023, despite the material deficiencies.

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