Dynamism and efficiency, demands of the harvest in Ciego de Ávila

Somewhat sleepy, cold as the days of this month, the activities of cutting and shooting cane have begun in areas of the Primero de Enero Agri-industrial Sugar Company (EAA).

To the middle of last week, there they had cut 25,800 tons (t), of a total estimate of 132,000 t, numbers that are still insufficient if one considers that the use of the potential standard of the plants to which they are linked (Ecuador and Ciro Redondo refinery plants) were below expectations.

Not exempt from difficulties, the 2022-2023 sugar harvest began in Ciego de Ávila due to the rupture of a valve in the Ciro Redondo bioelectric plant, which prevents the full operation of its two boilers and, therefore, stabilize an industrial exchange with the neighboring mill, necessary for the production of the sweet grain.

Of the analyzes, in which Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in the Ciego de Ávila province, and the lieutenant governor Ania Rosa Francisco Malde, the main political and governmental authorities of the municipality, representatives of cooperatives, managers from the Violeteño EAA and from entities of the Azcuba sugar group that ensure the harvest in the territory, it became clear the serious difficulties of transportation to cover the needs of the harvest.

At that time, 10 broken-down trucks remained, an issue affected by the misdiagnosis of some of them before the start of the contest; In addition, the strikeouts have been repetitive and in the case of the Case combines the problem lies in the constant hose breaks.

Despite these objective problems, Izquierdo Alonso called attention to putting order in the harvest of sweet grass because there are manifestations of indiscipline in the task.

The highest authorities of the province assume the periodic check of the main efficiency indicators as part of their work system.

Imperfections also pass through the draft, since the truck leasing system has not been correctly implemented there: these do not reach the field where, consequently, the workers cannot meet their standards, thus dragging a chain of inefficiencies.

As regards planting, more speed is needed, since there are only 58 hectares (ha) in preparation, an imperative if they wish to comply with the plan from January to April, of 354 hectares planted, necessary for the coming milling.

Given the serious difficulties with cart tires that allow them to have only five of these teams enlisted, Eduardo Larrosa Vázquez, director of coordination and technical supervision of Grupo Azucarero Azcuba in the province, pointed out the need to locate the cane in the field using trucks for later planting.

The cooperatives associated with the entity are not advancing in the planting of various crops either, since the January plan for 68 ha has barely advanced 18 percent, with some productive bases at zero.

The first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province ordered those present to honor the established commitments, look for new ways, give it more dynamism in the face of the tense economic reality that the country is going through.

In Ecuador: improve the production process and increase grinds

Increasing the arrival of a greater amount of raw material to the tipper of the central Ecuador refinery is an imperative to cut backlogs of 910 t to its physical sugar plan.

There, compliance with the potential grinding standard behaved at 50.66 percent when it should have been at 70 percent, a situation caused mainly by deficiencies in the boilers and the lack of cane due to transportation insurance. Factors that influence the industry to accumulate 29.20 percent of lost time.

From the analyzes emerged the importance of organizing the cutting and shooting at the mill more efficiently so as not to stop the production process, stops that have slowed down the production of refining due to the instability of the harvest system.

The technical availability of trucks, the late start-up and early completion of the cutting and shooting tasks in some productive bases, stand out among the most important elements that prevent greater stability in the delivery of cane to the mill.

Despite the material limitations, based on a better organization of work and resources, it is possible to raise the potential norm to 70 percent of its capacity, which will entail greater discipline, the specialists commented.

"Here the plan is small but if the harvest days are extended, efficiency will not be achieved," Izquierdo Alonso said.

The party leader also insisted on the importance of organizing a more reinforced worker guard system in the company and the sugar mill to prevent the occurrence of sugar thefts.