Seismological station installed in Florencia

The announcement at the beginning of the year has already come true. This Wednesday, a seismological station was installed in Florence, as part of the expansion of the Seismological and Tsunami Alert System, which will allow the permanent monitoring of seismicity in the national territory and its surroundings.

Julio Valentín Santana Cruz, a specialist from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment delegation in the municipality of Florencia, explained to Invasor that it is a small automatic station that will transmit its daily readings to the National Seismological Research Center (CENAIS) without the need for an operator, based in Santiago de Cuba.

Specialists from that scientific institution, headed by Dr. Cs. Eduardo Diez Zaldívar, a technologist from the instrumentation and development department of the CENAIS technical vice-directorate, left the station operational, which, as a novelty, has energy independence, as it has four solar panels. The engineering work to leave the installed equipment included drilling a hole in the ground for the placement of the sensor.

Although it is not yet registered in the network, the seismological station can be consulted as CW.Florencia and will join the other 19 that already operate in the country.

According to Santana Cruz, this year a weather station will also be installed in the municipality of Los Bellos Paisajes, very close to the canning factory.