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    Administrative cars support transportation service in Ciego de Ávila

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    With a couple of round trips in the morning and then in the afternoon, from Monday to Friday ―Saturday only in the morning―, administrative cars from all the organizations in Ciego de Ávila transport between 500 and 600 passengers on two routes from the capital provincial.

    Carros administrativos apoyan servicio de transportación en Ciego de Ávila

    The first, from El Piñacito to the Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila, and the other from the Airport neighborhood to the West roundabout, also known as the exit to Havana, extendable to Dairy Factory or nearby if requested, is they cover with about thirty cars daily.

    Manuel Eduardo Marín Torres, director of the Provincial Transport Company, specified that both routes do not only include trips from origin to destination; intermediate sections and stops are also planned, in case the passengers require it or if other collections are possible.

    "The idea involves the automotive fleet of all sectors of the territory, which will rotate frequently two or three times a month in the fulfillment of this task, of a mandatory nature, given the low coefficient of current technical availability of the Provincial Transport Company" Ania Rosa Francisco Malde, lieutenant governor of Ciego de Ávila said.

    "Although a priori the results are positive, as far as the demands in these circuits are met in this way, it is not the solution to the weak situation of the urban service," she added.

    Marín Torres explained, in turn, that the cars involved in the operation are given certain identification (banderole, sticker) at the start and it is removed at the end of the day.

    For better organization and compliance with the provisions, there will be inspectors at the start and end of the tours. Therefore, drivers and managers who unjustifiably violate the indication will have to respond to administrative and disciplinary processes. "It is the responsibility of the latter to preserve the fuel available to their entities to assume said task on the assigned dates," Marín Torres said.

    In addition, he commented that it is being evaluated to reproduce the idea in the southern part of the city, where the functional complexity is focused on connecting the Maidique and Rivas Fragas neighborhoods.

    It is not the first time that administrative orders support transportation, and the evidence is a tweet from the Provincial Transportation Company itself in June 2022. However, the organization by sectors and the expansion of routes is unprecedented.

    The first to respond to the call of the highest authorities of the province were the workers of the Provincial Company of Services and Supply to Education (EPASE), with a route that enables the transfer of children residing in the Simón Reyes town to the head city.