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    Advances in the use of photovoltaic energy in Ciego de Ávila

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    Around 73,000 megawatts (MW) from Renewable Energy Sources (FRE) were delivered to the National Electro-energy System (SEN) in 2022. Of these, 25% contributed by the three solar parks currently operating in Ciego de Ávila.

    Avanza uso de energía fotovoltaica en Ciego de Ávila

    This is how, since August 2017, the date on which the first photovoltaic system was installed in the territory, not inconsiderable figures of tons of fuel have ceased to be used, not to mention the amount of carbon dioxide no longer emitted into the environment.

    Although the acquisition of this technology continues to be expensive for the country, among the investments for this year the assembly of another 5 MW system in Morón is projected, since the intention is to cover the ten municipalities of the province.

    In its most recent audiovisual production, Invasor Multimedia collects positive experiences of the use of photovoltaic energy, both from state entities and from new economic actors, who find a sustainable and clean way to develop their productions.

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