Rectify on time: the distribution method is modified in Ciego de Ávila

In response to complaints, opinions and suggestions from the population, related to the sale of essential products in national currency in chain stores, a recent decision by the highest authorities of the province indicated a return to the old distribution mechanism, by constituencies and Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), but presenting the supply booklet.

In this way, the previous modality is updated as it is mandatory to carry the notebook and the forms of organization specific to each community are recovered, effective in the period of confrontation with COVID-19 in an effort to avoid crowds, something that was not achieved by the measure announced 15 days ago.

“COVID-19 has not ended and there is no reason to encourage queues and riots if, in addition, there is a guarantee that the product destined for sale from these nuclei is not going to end. It is logical that people want to buy the first day, therefore, as long as control over the sale is maintained (and for this the best regulator is the supply book), it does not matter if a messenger buys what corresponds to a multi-family building, for example, or people go one by one”.

This is what Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and first secretary in the province, said when analyzing the matter before an audience also chaired by Governor Tomás Alexis Martín Venegas; and in which were the presidents and vice-presidents of the municipal assemblies of People's Power, the mayors of the Administration Councils, presidents of popular councils of the main city and the top leaders of the provincial delegations of the Ministries of the Interior and the Armed Forces.

His reasoning connects with the claim of a good part of the citizenry that saw access to merchandise become a problem, since in many places consumers from more than one winery were made to coincide at the same time. After listening to proposals and opinions, there was a consensus that going back to CDR distribution was the right decision.Izquierdo Alonso also indicated to promptly review the nuclei of many members, because it is evident that the approved per capita rates do not meet the needs of these families, and undermines the principle of equity that governs this method of distribution.It was reiterated that it is not necessary to present any other identification document at the time of purchase.

Regarding the nuclei that have already received a product and are within the constituency or CDR to which it corresponds to buy in the next few days (the same product), it was said that they would not have the right since what it is about is completing the delivery cycles.