Ciego de Ávila nominates its candidates for deputies

This Sunday, the 10 Municipal Assemblies of People's Power met in Ciego de Ávila, nominating 23 candidates for deputies of the National Assembly.

The nomination in Ciego de Ávila of new candidates for deputies was one of the "common places" that had the 10 extraordinary sessions of the Municipal Assemblies, held this Sunday in the province.

Of the 27 deputies in the previous process, Ciego de Ávila nominated 23; taking into account that Parliament will have 135 fewer seats.

In all the sessions, the members of the assemblies had words of praise for the proposals, which will be put to a vote this March 26 in general elections.

In Ciego de Ávila, for example, there were five proposals: Liván Izquierdo Alonso, member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary in the territory; Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Vice Prime Minister of the Republic; Viviana Martínez, president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in the main municipality; Gretel Tabio Patys, a Human Resources specialist at the Meliá Jardines del Rey hotel, and Alfre Menéndez, director of the Tourism Works Construction Company.

Meanwhile, for Florencia, they nominated Reina Torres Pérez, head of the Department of Information and Social Communication of the Provincial Government, and Arletti Yudith Tosca Abascal, president of the Popular Council of Florencia.

The municipal assembly of Bolivia approved the candidacies of Edelso Pérez Fleita, president of the National Union of Jurists in the territory, and the teacher Cheila Pérez Machado.

In Chambas, Indira Milagros Fajardo Ramírez and Kenia Santillé Delgado coincided; and in the municipality of Baraguá, Lourdes Milagro Layne Valdés and José Carlos Cruz Sandoval, general director of the Youth Computer Club.

Morón, for its part, proposed Mayelin Luis Pérez, a tourism worker, housekeeper at the Sol Coco hotel, and Arnaldo Rodríguez Romero, an avant-garde artist, whose musical work today symbolizes the economic and social work of the territory.