Today, efficient poultry has losses

The issue of agricultural companies with losses is old and well known in the national economic sphere. It lacerates these entities, their workers and the population. The causes were basically productive inefficiency and lack of access to inputs and technologies, but the monetary system brought another: design.

Faced with such dilemmas, the voice of the workers has been raised because not all entities with losses are inefficient.

For example, some time ago there was talk about the Ciego de Ávila Poultry Company in terms of golden hens, leader in the egg per bird indicator, best group of its kind in the country, National Vanguard entity...

However, production was 25 million units less than that planned for 2022. In the layer unit of the municipality of Primero de Enero, due to the flagship tradition of Cuban poultry farming, the crisis that forced to collect 223 postures per bird last year, against 296, in 2019.

Today, the economy is cracked like a broken egg with more than 35 million pesos of losses accumulated last year and 24 million 600 thousand planned for 2023.

Therefore, to embarrass the economic losses in the Ciego de Ávila Poultry Company would be difficult, but not impossible if the demands of its workers to reorganize the disorder are fulfilled, such as the design of a task in the Cuban economy that snatched the profits from the poultry industry in Ciego de Ávila.