Candidates for deputies: classes for unity

At 8:00 in the morning on Tuesday, the more than 400 students of the Ernesto Guevara de la Serna Pre-University Institute were not in the classrooms, but in the small square waiting for a class for the unit that would be given by the candidates for deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power for the municipality of Ciego de Ávila.

The director of the educational center, Germán Ávila Álvarez, and the president of the Federation of Secondary Education Students (FEEM) of the center, Jonathan Moya Hernández, even though they had rehearsed the reception, they were going to be nervous about "the task".

That's how it was, but they made the visitors know about the series of sports, political and cultural activities that they develop; and that the entrance tests to the higher level of the past year showed deficiencies in Mathematics, although only two of a total of 146 did not opt ​​for careers, since the opportunities of the university provided continuity of studies.

Jorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, Vice Prime Minister, took the floor from the beginning to appreciate the efforts of students and the faculty in the face of the interruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in recent years.

He referred to the importance of knowing fully the characteristics of the national political system, and delving into matters such as the History of Cuba and Political Culture to be sure of the decision that will be made on March 26, when the general elections are held.

Accordingly, the secretariat of the FEEM of the IPU Che Guevara showed a giant ballot and explained what are the steps to follow when making the vote. Then the debate moved to the headquarters of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba, where Beatriz Rodríguez de León, coordinator of the training of art instructors, spoke in figures of the deficit in the province: of the more than 1,000 graduates are still active less than 400.

This, together with other problems of a budgetary nature, influences the quality of the creation of art instructors, the safeguarding of cultural traditions in the communities and the uneven competition against cultural neo-colonization.

Although the greatest impact is on children and young people, in areas such as schools, houses of culture, neighborhoods, the defense of Cuban identity and the confrontation with the subversive war, given the current scenario, it must also be transported to social networks from the Internet, Perdomo Di-Lella added.

Also, virtual space is not her forte, the director of the Por una sonrisa project, Idalmis Pérez Acosta, from the Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones Popular Council, tries to restore, in a certain way, motivation and joy to children from dysfunctional families or who have lost their parents due to COVID-19.

To direct interaction, touch the fiber of the relatives, provide absolute support to vulnerable neighborhoods and rescue values ​​there, Liván Izquierdo Alonso, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and its first secretary in the province, urged during the exchange held with factors of the community, together with workers and directors of the Raw Materials Recovery Company.

Both in this, with 16 million pesos in profits at the end of 2022, and in Ciegoplast, which closed with 28 million more, and was visited previously by the candidates for deputies, Perdomo Di-Lella insisted that one of his missions is to contribute to solve the social problems of the environment, for example, repair rooms of the Provincial General Teaching Hospital Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola, polyclinics and medical offices, student centers and playgrounds.

Izquierdo Alonso stressed that this is a way to combat the counterrevolutionary media campaign, in addition to constantly explaining the importance of voting for all, to materialize the concept of the Latir Avileño political movement, for socialism. "This way we will give a class of unity in Cuba."

Accompanying the vice prime minister and the first secretary of the Party were also candidates for deputies Viviana Martínez Cárdenas, president of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power in the main municipality; Gretel Tabío Patys, a Human Resources specialist at the Meliá Jardines del Rey hotel, and Alfre Menéndez Pérez, director of the Tourism Works Construction Company.