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    Strategic role of Social Communication ratified in Ciego de Ávila

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    Rosa María Pérez Gutiérrez Presidenta Nacional de la Aspociación Cubana de Comunicadores Sociales

    Social Communication as a strategic resource of the Revolution focused the analysis on the challenges of the branch of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators of Ciego de Ávila, in a meeting led by the National President Rosa María Pérez Gutiérrez.

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    The event brought together members of all circles of the Cuban Association of Social Communicators, including guests such as social workers and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (mypimes) communicators, as well as representatives of the Houses of Culture system and historians.

    reunion filial de asociacion cubana de comunicadores sociales en ciego de ávila

    Pérez Gutiérrez also announced future changes in the organization's structure, such as the need to create Provincial Councils to legitimize the autonomy of the municipalities, in view of the seventh Congress of social communicators in 2023.

    During the debate, everyone agreed on the importance of social communication to face the structured ideological war imposed from abroad that tries to undermine the unity of the people and the confidence in the revolutionary institutions.