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    There is no forgetting for Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones in Ciego de Ávila

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    In 1958, precisely on February 9, they found the body of the fighter from Ciego de Ávila, Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones, with more bullets than age in Santiago de Cuba, after he came down from the Sierra Maestra in search of medical attention for a hernia.

    No hay olvido para Alfredo Gutiérrez Lugones en Ciego de Ávila

    Although he gave up his studies due to the difficult economic situation at home, as an Orthodox youth he was closely linked to the students of the Secondary Education Institute in Ciego de Ávila and their demonstrations against the Fulgencio Batista regime. Ángel Cabrera Sánchez, a city historian, says that he even obtained a card so that the repressions of the dictatorship were less bloody.

    The rebelliousness of "Flaco", as Gutiérrez Lugones was called, was such that in the Martí Park in the city of Ciego de Ávila, half a block from the police station ─narrates the city historian─, next to the bust of the Apostle he unbuttoned his shirt, took out the Cuban flag and began to shout revolutionary slogans.

    In the tribute that the people dedicated to the young revolutionary on February 9, specialists from the Brigadier José Ambrosio Gómez Cardoso Provincial Historical Archive presented a biographical synthesis that pointed to the birth of Gutiérrez Lugones on February 2, 1938, his participation in the Constitution Oath, in the campaign for the rights of the Martí youth and, after the landing of the Granma, his leadership of one of the cells of the July 26 Movement.

    The vile murder at the age of 20, shocked the people of Ciego de Ávila and generated, at that moment, a revolutionary effervescence, further repudiation of Batista's henchmen.

    This is confirmed by a childhood friend and student of the Institute, Carlos La Falce Fernández, who added that the work of Gutiérrez Lugones, like that of Pedro Martínez Brito or Ricardo Pérez Alemán, urged the people of Ciego de Ávila to unite in favor of the rebels and that victory would be achieved.

    "He was an example for the period. He gave his life for the cause he defended. His legacy must continue in current generations," he said.For Cabrera Sánchez "coming to the Gutiérrez Lugones park to honor him symbolizes our commitment to his ideals, those that we defend today."

    At the end, when everyone was leaving, the city historian told the Gutiérrez Lugones brothers that while they had strength they should visit the park, to which Tomás Gutiérrez Lugones replied: "Have no doubt about that."