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    Weddings are celebrated for Valentine's Day at the university of Ciego de Ávila

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    Because teaching is a profession of infinite love, two couples of professors from the Máximo Gómez Báez University in Ciego de Ávila were married on February 14 in the Legal Department of this center of higher studies.

    Professor Roselia Del Risco Machado, from the Department of Humanities, married José Alberto Escobar Carreño, while the rector Yurisbel Gallardo Ballat was legally married to Yuritsan Hernández Torres.

    The weddings of both couples at the pedagogical headquarters of the university are part of a tradition that ponders noble values ​​of the marriage rite in couples' relationships.

    The Legal Consultancy of the Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Ávila, in addition to provide multiple legal services to the community, also constitutes a teaching unit of the Law career.

    bodas en la universidad 2