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    A young creator from Ciego de Ávila obtains a mention in the 2023 Calendar Award

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    Yasmani Rodríguez Alfaro 2

    The young creator from Ciego de Ávila, Yasmani Rodríguez Alfaro, obtained a mention with the text "Ojos de Gatos", in the Children's and Youth category at the 2023 Calendar Awards of the Saíz Brothers Association.

    The foregoing transpired this Wednesday in the Nicolás Guillén Room of Uneac, regarding the celebration of the XXXI International Book Fair of Havana.

    The young creators Norge Luis Labrada Gutiérrez, with “Pasto Negro” and José Ernesto Nováez Guerrero with “El sueño de la razón”, in Poetry, and Daryl Ortega González with “Acomlejados” also shared mentions in the important contest.

    The Calendar Awards constitute the highest literary distinction granted by the Saíz Brothers Association, while allowing young Cuban writers to enter the national literary circuit with their works.

    Yasmani Rodríguez Alfaro 1