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    This Friday, Búfalos make their debut in the Superior Basketball League

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    In search of the eleventh crown, the Búfalos from Ciego de Ávila, current champions, will start this Friday when the 2023 Superior Basketball League starts and they face the current runner-up, Sancti Spíritus, in the covered room Giraldo Córdova Cardín of Ciego de Ávila.

    Búfalos debutan este viernes en Liga Superior de Baloncesto

    Those now led by Julio Muguruza Sosa were champions, together with the women's collective Las Sirenas, in the José Martí Park, an act in which Yunier Valdivia, deputy director of sports activities in the province, praised the tenacity of the athletes of this discipline in preparing despite the current limitations.

    The local squad will count on this opportunity with the services of Yordanis Jaca and César Villegas from Camagüey, which will guarantee the strengthening of the fight under the boards.

    For this edition of the LSB, the training sessions prior to the competition have been hampered by multiple inconveniences, among them the non-holding of blank matches and the changes in the start date of the fight due to the limitation of transportation and accommodation, since the competitions from other disciplines coincide in time.

    An incidental note on this point: the calendars of all sports are approved at the central level of INDER: was it so difficult to understand the complexities that the simultaneous realization of soccer, basketball and baseball championships would entail?

    It is not a justification for this or more than one team, but rather that training planning is practically nil and, therefore, the athletes involved in the competition will not be in their best sporting shape. In addition, something even more important: demotivation can arise in athletes.

    In the case of Los Búfalos, the technical director himself acknowledges that the squad maintains practically the same regular squad that led it to the tenth crown. This time everything will depend on the change players living up to expectations. Let's hope so.