Exchange of nominees for deputies with the people concluded in Venezuela

At the Cuba Soy Agricultural Company, the exchange of its two nominees for deputies with the people in the municipality of Venezuela ended this Friday.

Arianna Isasi Barrizonte, Municipal Director of Education in Venezuela, and Santa Massiel Rueda Moreno, Provincial President of the Saíz Brothers Association in Ciego de Ávila exchanged for two weeks in schools, workplaces, and rural communities.

During their last tour this Friday, they shared with students and teachers from the Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz Mixed Center in Jagüeyal, with officials and workers of the Municipal Party Committee and with the collective of the Cuba Soy Agricultural Company.

The nominees for deputies for this southern part of Ciego de Ávila even combined their voices to sing popular melodies and share the best of Cuban trova with their constituents.