The Electric Power Company forecasts an affectation of 166 MW for the night peak hours

The Electric Power Company forecasts an availability of 2,674 MW and a maximum demand of 2,770 MW for Monday's night peak hour, for a deficit of 96 MW, therefore, if the forecast conditions continue, an impact of 166 is estimated. MW at this time.

At 07:00 this morning, the SEN availability was 2,380 MW and the demand was 2,000 MW, with the entire system in service.

Yesterday, the service was affected due to a capacity deficit from 5:24 p.m. to 8:13 p.m. (02:49 a.m.), mainly in the central-eastern zone due to high energy transfers.

The maximum impact at night was 202 MW at 6:50 p.m., coinciding with peak hours.

Units 6 and 7 of the CTE Mariel, unit 4 of the CTE Nuevitas, unit 2 of the CTE Felton and unit 3 of the CTE Renté are out of service due to breakdown. Unit 1 of the CTE Felton and units 4 and 6 of the CTE Renté are under maintenance.

The limitations on thermal generation (380 MW) are maintained. Meanwhile, in distributed generation, 876 MW are unavailable due to failure and 445 MW are under maintenance.

For peak hours, the entry of 234 MW in diesel engines is estimated.