Ciego de Ávila prepares conditions for general elections

Little more than a month separates us from the general elections, scheduled for March 26, in which Ciego de Ávila will elect the 23 deputies in charge of representing us in the National Assembly of People's Power, but from now on each day counts in order to prepare the conditions that ensure an electoral process with quality and attached to transparency and ethics.

This was reported to Invasor, from the Provincial Electoral Council (CEP), Marlenys Báez Valdivia, its vice president, who explained that, until this Wednesday, they are working on the reprocessing of the voter lists, after having developed the house-to-house process home. As a result, until the end of yesterday, about 93 percent of the high proposals — people who are not on the electoral rolls, but live in that place — proceeded, as well as about 32 percent of the low ones, a higher number compared to previous moments, "which speaks of the quality with which the printed lists must come, which are going to be quite close to the reality of the neighborhood."

In the same way, he specified that the province has defined all the electoral authorities in the different instances, which, currently, continue their training, because although preparatory actions have been carried out, the most important of all remains, which is how to work on election day itself. However, she said, in most places other people have been identified who, in the event of an unforeseen event, can assume that responsibility, for which they are also preparing.

She also stated that, on this occasion, two electoral districts will function in the provincial capital, which, in accordance with the provisions of the Electoral Law, can be created, at the proposal of the CEP and with the approval of the National Electoral Council, in those municipalities whose population exceeds 100,000 inhabitants.

The integration of these structures corresponds to what is established for the municipal electoral councils; hence, they are composed of a president, a secretary and five members, whose functions include organizing and directing the election of deputies to the National Assembly. of the People's Power in the territory of their district, in addition to the responsibility of monitoring compliance during the elections with the provisions of the Electoral Law and by the electoral authorities in the different instances.

Of the 124 constituencies that the main municipality has, 60 are subordinated to District 1, which will function at the Ernesto Che Guevara Pre-University Institute, and 64 to District 2, based at the Raúl Corrales Pedagogical School. The five candidates for deputies to Parliament corresponding to the provincial capital are divided proportionally between both districts for voting, so three of them will be elected by one and two by the other. According to the vice president of the CEP, the creation of these structures allows the electoral process to gain organization and agility in the processing of information.

For the general elections of the coming March 26, 883 schools will be enabled in the province, of which 73 will function in neighboring houses with a long tradition of participation in this type of process, while the largest number will be located in state institutions such as clinics, work and student centers.

Likewise, Báez Valdivia indicated that those voters who are distant from their areas of residence for work, educational and personal reasons, might exercise their right to vote at the nearest polling station. Similarly, for this purpose, special schools will be opened in the National Bus Terminal, the provincial hospitals Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola, in Ciego de Ávila, and Roberto Rodríguez, in Morón; one on the high seas, in the municipality of Venezuela, while a significant number will be located in the Jardines del Rey tourist pole for the workers who remain there and national tourists who are on vacation on that date.

As part of the preparations, in the coming days, representatives of the mass organizations and the administrative cadres that sponsor the constituencies will go there to explain to the voters how to vote, its importance and the reason for the united vote. Previously, in the 10 municipalities, plenary sessions were held for the political assurance of the electoral process.

As of February 25, the biographies and photos of the 23 deputy candidates who will represent Ciego de Ávila in Parliament must be published in visible places in the 547 constituencies that cover the geography of Ciego de Ávila, so that voters can know the trajectory of the people for whom they will vote. However, since last day six and until March 24, the candidates for deputies exchange with the people in different spaces such as communities, labor and student groups.

It is expected that, on March 18, the dynamic test will take place at the national level, with the aim of verifying the logistical assurances and the preparation of the human resources that will intervene in the elections, in order to fine-tune the conditions for the successful development of the democratic exercise, which will name those who will have the enormous.